
Chapter 6

Yeman didn’t know what to do. In his mind, a doubt still lingering. He tried to think of excuses to exempt himself from the battle that was going to happen, but nothing came to his mind. Of course, nothing will come. Not when he felt someone from behind sending sharp piercing gazes towards him.

These ticklish feelings of being stared at were disturbingly making him feel uncomfortable. He can’t even surmise well of what excuses were better. He glances at the back, but what greeted him was unbearable glares, straight at him. Yeman gulped and hurriedly turned back his gaze to the front.

He let a sigh escape from his mouth before he decided to stride without looking back again. Their current location is 200meters away, northwest of Sitona Town.

The sun rose emblazoned the whole place with its golden brilliance that comes from its laser-like rays and extended the shadows forming like a phantom of themselves.

Everyone’s face was painted in different emotions as their legs kicked the pale dry brownish soil of the fallen land, producing hovering clouds of dust as they strode without looking back.

When the sun hit the angle of 50 degrees east, the gloomy towering wall ahead finally showed its canopy. As they were marching towards it, everyone stoned their resolve and readied themselves. In their minds were, “To die on the battlefield wasn’t really bad.” Yet, before they neared the towering wall of the fallen Sitona Town, “Enemy incoming!” One of the soldiers shouted for warning.

A tension immediately rose up and everyone stopped on their feet as they craned their neck towards the front. Yeman glanced ahead and saw the rapidly scuttering rats, running on their two legs as a human did. In their hands were different kinds of weapons. Yet, they all had uniformed strange sinister grotesque figures.


“Muscle heads, at the front!”

“All range units follow up and prepare to fire!”

“Vanguards and scouts! Prepare to die!”

The Commander in his overbearing voice immediately shouted his commands, one after another.

After the commander shouted his command, all the soldiers with a range attacking spell immediately lined in front as they readied their spells and ranged weapons in hand. While at their front, the well-built muscular soldiers stayed on their knees as they readied their shield equipment. Some chanted and materialized their own shield using a spell.

In the distance, specks of dust rose up like clouds. About two hundred and above ratmen were rushing towards the soldier’s directions. Yeman also noticed the ground ahead lurched like a snake. Like something was burrowing on the ground surface while bulldozing the land and moving like a snake.

The ground was seemingly groaning in agony as it was vibrating and trembling.

His body hairs went upright as he watched the scene. It was the same scene that could only be seen in a movie.

A chill running down his spine. And his heartbeat pounded like crazy. He could even feel his hands sweating. Yeman tightly gripped the spear. He was worried if he was able to survive or not after this battle.

He really was wondering what kind of place is this. Monsters like rats are walking on two feet while carrying weapons. And the people around him, most of them were able to manifest some kind of magic spells.

This is literally a magical world! He really reincarnated in a fantasy world! This is most of the geek’s dreams. However, his life was on death’s door already.

Nervous gulping sounds were discernible around him. While some were excited while chuckling and saying, “Ehehehe, this is it! This is so lively! Ahaha!”

Yeman glanced at the person. The guy was unfairly riding a horse. He had curly medium blonde hair. His white long sleeves were toppled by a blue sleeveless bordering his waist, which was also toppled by a silver-plated chest plate. On his waist hang a longsword in a blue scabbard with the exquisite design of dazzling crystals.

Beside him was a beauty with golden long hair. She wore a blue cape over a white velvet dress. And on her waist, a 1-metre sword in white scabbard was hanging.

She was a beauty made out of a painting. Reflected in her dazzling blue eyes the scene in front of her.

Yeman was looking at her when suddenly the girl glanced at him and snorted. He hastily darted his eyes in front and grimaced.

“Fire!” A loud commanding voice echoed in his ears.

Which followed by different colors of spell hovering towards the approaching enemies.

Fireballs were shot like comets. And different kinds of spells were raining towards the enemies. Even the arrows they shot were enveloped by dazzling brilliance.

Different kinds of noises, simultaneously caught by his ears. He remembered a certain day of celebration on earth while watching the scene and hearing their noises.

When the spells landed randomly at the approaching enemies. Squeaking cries of the beast were grieving in his ears.

Like signalling the start of the battle, scattered explosions exploded randomly.

Smokes from the explosion envelop the enemy’s group. The smell of charred flesh and hair was being carried by the wind towards their nostrils. Yeman covered his nose, while the others unbothered by it. Maybe they were used to it though.

“Stop acting like a scumbag!”


He suddenly felt a pain on the back of his head. Yeman scratches his head and hastily glances at his back in annoyance. But when he saw the cold stare from the cold-looking beauty, he swallowed back his anger as he thought, ‘It’s not good to fight back someone who is used to fighting. Unlike me who only knew how to play video games.’

The girl was looking at him with disgust. With her brows knitted together.

He sighed and thought. ‘Just you wait when I learn an awesome spell girl. I will make you my plaything!’ Although he thought about it, it was only out of frustration and half serious half joking only.

In any case, he didn’t even know if he was able to survive in this battle.

Many of the monster group were killed on the spot. But their number seemed to be increasing as more of them were still coming out from Sitona Town and rushed towards their location.

The range-soldiers continued their attacks. And the monster died one after another. Yet, they continued to advance like it was nothing to them.

When they reached a certain distance. Some of the rats were finally able to fire back. Some of them even could use a spell.

Multiple stones flew in the air and were fired towards the soldiers. The shield users immediately alerted themselves as they blocked the incoming rain of stones.

Yeman also noticed that rats were shielding their spell users. Looks like they were capable of thinking as a human did. He was stunned by the thought.

The battle becomes blocking and throwing spells on both sides.


“Vanguaaaaaaaaard! Ready to dieeeeeeee!” The commander shouted.



Finally, the vanguards rushed towards the enemy.

Yeman thought that this is it.

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