
Chapter 23 – Coming Back

Chapter 23 – Coming Back


As i went back to hotel after i got a fight (tl: ( ?° ?? ?°) ) with Claudia, Nonna and Celia welcoming me with a hug as they’re crying.

“Aegir-sama, are you okay? I thought that you got caught and got jailed.”

“We want to do something for you but we don’t know what should we do!”

I embrace and stroke their head until they felt relieved.

“Alvens Mallord is it? Does Nonna know about him?” (tl: [アルベンス?マロードル]. Does anyone have better suggestion?)

“Yes, Alvens is a name of big city, and Mallord is a name of the most influental aristocrat of the Federation. Don’t tell me ...”

She shakenly stepped back.

“She seems like the-hugged-girl from yesterday. So i called by her mother.”

Nonna face becomes pale.

It seems that she can’t take a joke.

“Le-Let’s get out from the Federation! If we go to the Empire, they can’t track us anymore!”

“It’s okay. If it’s about the mother’s satisfaction, there shouldn’t be question need to be asked.”


“Are you possibly ... have sex with marquis’s wife too?”

“Yea, she’s fainted many times too”

“Sex maniac!! Why are you lay your hand on anyone you met? Are you an orc?!”

Since she go out from Elektra, Nonna jeer and her headbutt became stronger.

And i always get healed by caressing the narrow-eyed Celia.


“On the Red side! The First Knight, Captain of Imperial Guard, Viscount Cedric Orion.”

“On the White side! A veteran mercenary, A fierce god with herculean strength, Aegir!”

How come the MC (tl: Master of Ceremony, not Aegir) always come up with a new name every time.

I don’t even remember to be a veteran.

Captain Cedric prepare his sword in silence, he seems to be the type that never speak with a commoner.

He held his sword with his two hand, even the size is the same with my sword. It seems that we’re the same type.

As the starting signal sounded, he’s charging to me.

He don’t even bother to glare.

I’m absolutely confident in my ability.

His strike is twice as heavy and twice as fast as Luciff (tl: ルシフ. Any better name suggestion?)

In term of strength, i’m still better but with my speed, I can’t hit him. If I show him some chance, I’ll lose for sure.

In a flash he shorten our distance and jump behind me.

It seems that he wants to end this fast.

Then I bring my sword in opposite of my chest and meet his sword (tl: ならばと逆に懐に突っ込み鍔迫り合いに持ち込む。I give up ._. and it sounds so gay with “swordXsword” xD)

This circumtances is related to the other party difference in ability.

I know that Cedric is waiting for me to make a move. (tl: really, it sounds so gay)

If I push forward and ward it off and not draw back, it should be the end for me.

Even I know that it was hopeless situation for me, it will be my loss if this continue.

That’s why I decided to rely on Nonna.

So I pull back my sword, I decided to give up swing my sword and head-butted Cedric.

Because of that, his sword didn’t slash me.

This turns my forehead into a sword.

Cedric unexpectedly able to cover our difference in abilities.

The meaning of this head-butt is to distance myself.

I place my sword on my right shoulder and put my left foot slightly forward.

There are neither defense nor movement, this posture is to make strongest blow possible.

His sword and my sword length are identical, he must jump in to break my sword defense range to win.

If he really did jump in, he can’t evade to side so he can do nothing but to ward my sword off.

My ability is lower, but my speed and strength is higher. (tl: it should be different term of speed with the last TL. maybe swinging speed and movement speed is different but wrote by a same text)


The bitter-faced Cedric’s pride can’t tolerate a glare confrontation with me.

My experience tell me that Cedric’s distance almost getting closer to jump in to me.

I won’t get fooled with his feint by seeing his muscle and eyes movement.

His eyes is angry.

He’s coming, thus that can’t be concealed. (tl: I’m trying T_T I don’t know what is “that” in this sentence)

I saw that he’s laughing a bit.

He’s jump in, and I ward off his sword.

He tries to slant my sword trajectory diagonally. (tl: the raw said “the-person-who-hates-exchange-full-powered-blow tries to ...” too long xD)

I knock his head.

Metallic sound reverberated in audience seat as his helmet throw in air.

My sword sends his helmet flying and ...... cut nothing but air.

My defenseless trunk and my sword is hit, and then my sword is leaving my hand and struck the earth.

I lost the winter sword skill tournament in semifinal.

I stand up as straightening my hit trunk and take a breath.

There’s Cedric in front of me.

“It’s my win”

Did you just waited for me to say it? What a narrow minded person.

“Yea, it’s your win”

After I said it, I leave.

Probably, I’ll be asked by Nonna later.

A noble is really troublesome.

It wasn’t a sarcasm.


~ Cedric’s POV ~

“What a beautiful victory”

I received a victory praise from my subordinate.

Cedric doesn’t say a thing, he threws his sword and walk away with a strange face.

(That’s why you’re no good!) (tl: it’s cedric’s line)

When they’re the one who fight that mercenary, they would lose instantly!

If it’s a serious match, he would be defeated.

That mercenary’s sword hit his helmet.

If it’s a sharpened sword, his head would be cracked too.

Of course, it was Cedric’s win.

There’s no one who doubt it either.

However, he feels uneasy that he barely won.

Cedric go to a room with nobody in it and kick hard a chair.


~ Aegir POV ~

“It’s my complete defeat.”

I tell Kristoff and Agor in a drinking bout.

They seen the game it seem.

“If it’s a serious match, that blow would cracked his helmet”

Agor theory is a bit strange.

“That match had a condition that use a bladeless sword. If a sword user that win against lance user, there should be no difference with brawl”

“Is it really like that~ ?”

With empty glass, Kristoff is seeing his surrounding but no one fill his glass.

“If you already experienced a real fighting you should know. But your equipment now is the one that used for real match. Of course, one vs many is not counted”

“I ashamed that my real combat experience is come from extermination monster and thief. I just can’t say that was a proper combat experience”

“Same with me~ We don’t get real batle living in White City”

Isn’t it nice to live without fighting?

Even I said “If you change your mind, marry me!” to Lucy.

But Nonna seems to hate it.

“So, the tournamet had ended, I should go to other city soon”

“Ah, Aegir is still on the way in his journey, right”

“Really? What a boring person~”

Kristoff, you only want to see Nonna breast, right?

Incidentally, after Nonna saw him, she put towel on her cleavage.

This city is a good place, but I can’t stay here.

There’s no need to rush, but I have no time to relax either.

I want to see the next city, too.

I want to be the next king of that place, moreover I don’t want to pick a fight with the Federation.

But, it’s difficult to rise in a already stable society, this Federation is the best example.

Though I don’t know about the empire, with the chaos around the world, it should be like central plain.

There’re countless country grouped together that suddenly rise in power, and then collapse.

In the middle of that chaos, there’s a chance to rise a flag (tl: rise a flag to make new country I guess)

“Next, where will you going?” Agor said.

“I think, I’ll return to the south side of the central plain. Triea....... No, maybe Goldenia”

I don’t know why I thought about “wing of dawn” (tl: 「夜明けの翼」wing of dawn. Any other suggestion?)

“If you want to go south, it’s nice to go in April, rain in southern area of Federation will be ended. The road become muddy when raining and you can’t continue your journey”

Agor said something serious for once.

it seems that this is a trusted information.

“Then I’ll take it slow. For once, I can let loose my purse if Celia and Nonna want to go somewhere around the journey”

As the citizen, there’s no problem when a single woman walking alone .

Celia and Nonna glad that they don’t need to feel uneasy.

“I wonder, what is Aegir-sama doing now? It’ll be good if we go together”

“Of course. When I’m free, we’ll go together”

Because I have something to do, too.

“.........Please give your tool some rest, too”

I heard Nonna’s sarcasm when gulping my sake.

“Ah, Welcome!”

I’m hugging Claudia in her private room.

But, I don’t force her.

In the first place, I don’t live in noble district. Even she summons carriage for me, the employee glance was painful.

It’s too hillarious to be a comedy when someone that aims to be a king has to be someone secret lover.

“Quick...... Though I want you to come to somewhere for now”

Claudia is taking something out from her purse and put it in a desk.

There’re 100 piece of gold coins there, as expected from marquess. But, what about it?

“Ufufu, please do accept it. After all, because of my charm, that person give me this much”

Although she was kicked, Marquis Mallord still gives many money to Claudia.

I heard from Nonna that Marquis Mallord owned a large city, a distinguished noble at that, so this amount maybe small.

“Until today, that money was wasted, because of that my daughter became like that”

Driven out from home by father, so there’s money to use to live awkwardly with mother in law. (tl: I’m trying ._. N4 is just so so)

So, she became like that.

“But, now it’s became unnecessary. As long as I have you, I’ll be happy. I don’t need other d*ck!”

Then Claudia push me to the bed, and then strips from the top to the bottom.

It’ll be hard to say it now, I just came here to say goodbye.

It can’t helped, I’ll just think about it after one battle. (tl:( ?° ?? ?°) )

She services my d*ck in her mouth devotely, and screamed when I jam it in her throat.

I’m so excited that I make her crawl on the ground and plunge into her from behind like a dog,

After sex, in my chest, Claudia whisper her love and then ...

“You traitor! Although I befriend you this much ... Lowly person, go away!!”

In the end, Claudia shouts at me to leave this city, and throw me a pouch of gold coins.

It may be that, before this, she already told the soldier.

As expected I would hesitate to shop with a gold thrown away by someone.

On the other hand, I’ll get mad if made fun like that.

So, I’ll use this with good intention.

My good intention is ... going to spend it in brothel.


The hostess is bowing to me as the door opened.

Behind her, Melissa waves her hand.

But, I don’t come here to play.

I held Melissa’s hand who wants to lead me to the room, and bring her to the hostess.

“How much to buy her out from here?”

All the other girls are making commotion.

Isn’t it a dream to bought out from a prostution?

“Is that ... to take her out to go to date?”

“No, it’s not. What I mean is to take her out from here to be my woman.”

Melissa opened her mouth as big as hand because she can’t believe what I said.

“Hmm. I decide to sell her for 100 gold, because she is a beauty.”

“Wha!! What a stupid thing is that!! You bought me for only 10 gold!”

Melissa flare up at the hostess.

If I can’t take out 100 gold, then I can’t buy her.

“Shut up! I’m the one who talks to him! It’s not you!”

If it was the talk about buy someone out, the prostitute herself can’t say anything. It was always brothels iron clad rules.

“So, how about it, mr customer?”

I never think that the hostess will ask this much.

I guess that I can negotiate by cut the price by half.

Because I saw Celia negotiate like this.

But, if I negotiate about her price, it will lower her value.

I’ll never lower the value of my woman.

In the first place, this money is given by other woman, so I can’t even talk big about this money.

“Count it!”

I put the pouch in the desk.

And then, Melissa shouts “Wa!!” as she jump up and cry.

The hostess dazed when saw the pouch and forgot to count the coins.

“I’ll go now, is that okay?” (tl: maybe, there’re redudant texts here. Sorry if the original meaning is off)

“Okay. No problem. Now that girl is free.”

Melissa put in my coat go out from the shop lightly dressed. (tl: it’s not a brothel?)

“*sob* I *sob* by men... Always thinking *sob* about you... I don’t *sob* believe *sob*” (tl: the first part is so messed that I can’t TL it. Improvised xD)

Because she sobs hard, I can’t understand what she said. So I kiss her to stop her cry and lead her to our inn.

From inside, I think that I hear soft voice “I’m glad” from the hostess.

I stand in front of the inn.

I hold the dreamy state Melissa in my arm.

This is my room, after I open the door, no one will critize me inside.

But, there’re Celia and Nonna inside. Recently our ladies have a concerning problem “Don’t bring another woman!” in their faces.

I will stop thinking about excuse for a bit.

“I’m home”

“Welcome ... back”

“Aegir-sama, I want baked-sweets in café ...”

The two don’t move their eyes for a moment.

Did Mellisa’s presence made them like this?

“My name is Melissa. From today, I became Aegir woman. Please treat me well”

She greets them as my woman.

Celia is screaming unceasingly, and Nonna is like “Again?” amazed.

Well then, I should put them in order now, so we can start our next journey without trouble.

There’re 3 carriages in front of the inn, noble sure is pain in the butt.

However, I never expect the person who comes out from the carriages.


Claudia herself ride the carriage.

The surrounding attention is not good but, the person herself never care about them.

It’s not good to bring her to my room.

Though everyone surprised about this sudden visitor, she only has me in her eyes.

For a high-class noble, an attendant may not be treated as human being.

Nonna led Celia and Melissa from our room.

“I’m sorry about my cruel talk before! After you went, I was frightened to death”

“It’s okay but, is it okay for you to came here?”

I indirectly said that she should go back.

I also remember the detour.

“I don’t care about that small thing. Because I can’t live without you!”

“Even if you say something like that, in the first place, I’m just a traveler. This place is not my home, sooner or later ...”

“Then ...!”

You’re loud.

“Then, live in my house! No, take one of my knight’s house and live there! After that, you can embrace me as you please!”

“No, it’s not that ...”

“You can even embrace our servant. You can even embrace our daughter if you want to! Because there’s noone who can say no to me!”

I hug Claudia to calm her.

“I’m sorry but I have something that I must do. I can’t stay here”

“No......... Oh yeah, This!”

Claudia take out golden ornament from her bag, and a jeweled dagger as big as fruit knife.

“This! I’ll give you this! So, please, stay here.........”

I lift Claudia in my arm and put away the treasures gently in her bag, then carry her to the bed.

“I don’t have sex with you because of this, you know. If I want to do it, then it’s because of you”

Claudia no longer say anything.

It seems that, this is the only solution. (tl: ( ?° ?? ?°) )

I put his d*ck in my mouth, and servicing him. (tl: author likes to change POV without warning. But, I’ll give you one ^^)

I feel guilty because I offer money to try to detain him for myself.

I lied on the bed, and spread my hole.

When he licked mine before, he spread my disordered public hair.

And now there’re no hair and as clean as baby.

It can’t be compared to my dirty hole before.

“It seems like a kid’s hole”

“Don’t say it! It can’t be helped...... Before I meet you, there’re only useless man out there”

She said it without care.

In the beginning, the shy Claudia always tried to push her butt to me.

She wants to make her butt a little more sensual.

“Aaaaah, it feels good. This is the best...... Oooh...... Wha!? Noo!”

Might as well insert in her butt hole.

Yep, let’s try it.

“Claudia, let’s make your butt hole bigger”

“Eh? Do you mean that ... !!!”

She can’t disobey my order even she notices that I want to put it in her butt hole.

I still widen her butt hole even she said “No” or “Don’t”.


She cries as she arches her back like a shrimp.

There’s a bit blood from her butt hole, so it’s not that big wound.

“Oooh! My butt !! My unclean place is ... !!”

“Say something more perverted”

“My butt... my butt ... ass! A big penis is hammering my asshole! I can’t control my assholeee!!!”

After that, I shoot inside the butt hole, and the worried Claudia climaxes as she screams not like a man or woman, but like a beast.

After ravishing her, she laid back in my chest and then i gently talk to her.

This is the usual for me.

“I don’t say that this is the end. Because we’re still alive, we’ll meet again. Until then, please make yourself stay beautiful”

“Yes......... Yes! I understand. I’ll try my best for you!”

Can we say an issue being settled with this?

“But, you still have one or two days to depart, right?”

Even if the weather turn bad, this is still a man responsibilty.

“Please leave it to me, From today on I’ll come to you every day”

After she went home, Celia and Nonna go silent on top the bed, but Melissa says “as expected of Aegir, she’s a noble right?” I will not worry about her for now.

After sometime passed, the time to depart has come.

I stayed at Roleil for 5 months, has one horse and 3 woman for a travel-mate. (tl: Aegir bad! you lump the horse and your woman in the same category. wwwww)

I reject the gift from Claudia when she said she wants to give me a carriage.

I think that she was weird.

She tried to give me a certain noble heirloom, and said that I can have sex with her daughter. As expected I would think of her as weird.

I may fear a frustated middle-aged woman.


I cross the North Teljes river from White City, travel along the western plain then enter the empire, arrive to a certain place in empire where the Teljes river and sea meet, and then came to various towns around the way.

Furthermore the season is changing, the weather is chilly this time around, our journey finally arrive at central plain in the south, Roleil, Triea Kingdom.

“I’ve finally returned after a long time”

If it think about it, after leaving the forest (Lucy’s home), I stayed here for around a month.

After I go out from the forest, most of my time was used to travel.

But, I never forget.

Carla and Maria, beside I met Mel (tl:Ruu’s mom) and Mireille here.

A year is long, they won’t wait for me either, and they likely will be other man’s woman now.

In that case, I will take them back.

After this one year, I’ll fly high. (tl: the real text said “I’ll open the bird cage to let myself fly”. He thought himself as a small bird inside a bird cage. Yea “small bird” ( ?° ?? ?°) )

After return to Roleil.

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