
Chapter 376 - Original Kritias: The Ghost And The Dominator


"What are you doing, Eustace?! Don\'t be rash!" cried Catalina.

"STOP!" cried Eustace, as he covered himself in holy light and his blade grew several meters like an arc of light, rushing towards his enemies as he was impacted by a sudden change in his gravity, being sent away!

"Eustace, don\'t be a fool!" said a familiar voice, as Eustace was greeted by a slim and slender man with short gray hair and emerald eyes, the brother of Cecilia, Mason, known as the Gravity Master, the possessor of the [Gravity Controller] Cheat Ability, which let him manipulate gravity five meters around his body.

Mason was the twin brother of Cecilia in this life, despite not having been related to her on Earth, both of them grew close as siblings, and when he met Eustace and Cecilia developed feelings for Eustace, he had acted rather overprotective of his sister, but through many hardships, he learned that Eustace was a good man, and since then, they had been good friends.

However, Eustace was known for his foolish rashness that could sometimes end badly.

"Mason! Let me go!" said Eustace.

"No, we must plan before attacking, don\'t be a fool, Eustace! They want you dead!" roared Mason grabbing Eustace with his gravity and pulling him alongside him, meeting with the rest of the heroes present.

Several other figures appeared, many of the Heroes that were still with Eustace in these times, while some had escaped, were hiding, were part of Gabriel\'s faction, or were not even in the camp…

"Eustace is here! Thanks, Mason, if he had gone by himself he would have surely gotten himself killed this time…" sighed a beautiful red-haired woman with glowing aquamarine eyes, Natalia, known as the Dragoness Knight, who possessed the [Dragon Soul] Cheat Ability, which gave her the power to have a Dragon Familiar made off her soul, that grew alongside her from a very early age, this dragon was her greatest strength and could do all kind of feats, alongside fusing with her to acquire a strengthened temporary form.

Natalia was a strong woman with an even greater leading skill, she used to be one of the secretaries of the coworkers in Earth, and was close to the boss, so her authority was always high, something that was even carried to her second life, where all Heroes naturally respected her due to her strong leadership instincts.


Suddenly, from within the shadows of the buildings, the figure of a man covered in black clothes emerged.

"They are separating themselves to strike us from all sides… their numbers are also higher than us, but I haven\'t seen any Demon God yet, perhaps Gabriel is hiding them somewhere… Aside from that, they have Demon God-King Fragment Weapons… The situation couldn\'t look worse," said the man, Christopher, known as the Dark Assassin, the wielder of the [Masterful Assassination Techniques] Cheat Ability, giving him all kinds of assassination techniques, stealth, camouflage, and more.

He used to be a silent yet diligent worker at Earth, although he was not well known, everyone had mildly good relationships with him, however, his stoic face and his bad humor always made him a bit intimidating, in Kritias, he became more open, and used his shady-sounding Skills for the greater good, becoming an admirable Hero…

Even after the catastrophe, he had stuck with his friends, and is doing everything he can to help them bring the world back to normal…

"How is Roberto?" asked Catalina.

"He had quickly gathered the people and put them inside of his Spatial Storage Skill, however, the spatial storage can only have so many people, so he is bringing them into the underground… We cannot count on him now that he is doing this…!" said Natalia.

Roberto was known as the Spatial Architect and wielded the [Spatial Architect] Cheat Ability, which gave him the power to construct different spaces and storages, and even use high-level space magic, however, he wasn\'t good at offense, and although he could put people inside these spaces, the number of people was limited to a small number, and he himself could not hide inside of any of such spaces, so he was highly vulnerable to getting killed by some of the stronger Heroes if they had the chance. Alongside this, he was not able to force foes inside such spaces.

"I have created several Walls and Golems to distract them, but they are blasting through them as if they were nothing! Catalina, can you create another barrier?" asked a beautiful petite woman with chocolate-colored skin and long black hair with shiny golden eyes, Nina, known as the Earth Mother, wielded the [Gaia] Cheat Ability, giving her the power to freely manipulate Earth without having to conjure spells or anything, and could even create golems, giant walls, and more, however, she was still limited by her Mana Pool and could not do everything freely.

"I have to concentrate a lot for that, I can only generate small barriers, for now, I would need a lot of Mana Potions to set a bigger one!" said Catalina.

"I\'ve spread all the Spirits I could create to distract them, but they brought all the cavalry because they are not even having a chance! What do we do now?" asked a young man with brown hair and aquamarine eyes, Lucas, known as the Spirit Creator, wielder of the [Spiritualist] Cheat Ability, which gives him the ability to create artificial elemental spirits to attack and defend, and conjure all types of magic, albeit weaker than specializers, he is very versatile.

Lucas has the personality of a young and mildly na?ve man, although he had grown a lot since then in this second life, some things about his personality had never fully developed, however, he was doing everything he could to be useful to his friends now.

"What do we do?! We crush them! It is finally time to fucking kill that bastard of Gabriel and all of those that are sucking up to him, right, Eustace? We cannot tolerate that idiot anymore, even less after he killed Daniel! I am going to fucking crush him!" roared a young and muscular man with spiky red hair and emerald eyes, Benjamin, known as The Destroyer, wielder of the [Surtr] Cheat Ability, which gives him the amazing power of shapeshifting into a twenty-meter-tall giant covered in flames that can create weapons made of iron and flames to attack, his power is outstanding, but he loses his control and sanity when he goes into this stage, often fighting alone to not disturb his allies.

Benjamin is known by all of his coworkers to always have been a raging man that had a short temper, in this second life this thought just intensified even further, making him seem like a completely insane man at times, he always followed the rest but was a complete nutcrack due to the power that his ability gave him.

After everything happened with Bestellen he only thought of Gabriel as the traitor and wanted to break him into pieces with his power… he was even more impulsive than Eustace.

"Wait, Benjamin, remain here! Don\'t go alone, I am sure that they had prepared a way to-" muttered Natalia, as Benjamin suddenly transformed into a giant and flew into the sky, searing with his flames and impacting the ground, rushing towards his target!

"And there he goes…" sighed Catalina.

"We must keep ourselves together, disregard Benjamin, he had chosen whatever fate awaits him, but the rest of us must survive, our plan is obvious at this point… we have to kill Gabriel and when he\'s final death, all of his allies will lose the will to fight, most likely. As long as we manage, we should be able to pull off a victory!" said Mason.

"Killing… Gabriel? So it has really come to it, huh?" sighed Christopher.

"There is no other chance! I agree…" said Natalia.

"Me too…" sighed Nina.

"Yeah, there is no other choice at this point, right? We are between life and death here!" said Lucas.

Everyone then glanced back at Eustace…

Was Eustace… willing to kill Gabriel?

Was he willing to kill someone who was once his friend, his ally, his comrade?

Was he willing to kill his former coworker after what he went through when he killed Veronica?

However, unlike Veronica, Gabriel was a true bastard that had truly done something bad for the sake of it and was not someone who did not fault the bad things of this world.

He was a rotten man, who wished to dominate this world and achieve greatness, wishing to become a God…

Eustace felt a strange feeling by just thinking about killing a former friend… but Gabriel seemed to have felt absolutely nothing when he killed Daniel.

"I… I am! Everyone. let\'s stick together till the end!" said Eustace, he was not planning to die today, he had a wife and a son he wanted to protect, there was no time to doubt anymore, he had to take justice by his own hands and defeat the obstacle ahead of his path… even if it implied killing someone who was his former friend!

The Heroes nodded, as they quickly and finally joined battle, meanwhile, Benjamin was furiously fighting against a young man with a wicked grin, Lance, who manipulated an enormous holy lance through telekinesis through his [Holy Lance: Gungnir] Cheat Ability!

Lance was a former friend of Eustace who had lost everything after the war and had realized that this was truly all fault of the damn Eustace and his stupid brainwashing ideas implemented by Bestellen, and there was anything else that he desired more than his death!

However, against Benjamin, he seemed to struggle, his lance, albeit strong, was not strong enough against the blazing giant!


"Haha! Di- UEGHH?!"

However, the moment his blazing fists were about to crush Lance, a phantasmal presence emerged, merging with Benjamin\'s body, and possessing it!

"Hmm, oh yes, this is a good body~," said Benjamin, with a completely different voice…

"You finally got yourself a suitable body, huh, Josef?" said Lance, gasping for air.

Josef was known as The Ghost and was one of the more anonymous Heroes due to his lack of prophecies and battle history, this was because he had always been possessing the body of someone else and lived in the shadows of the rest, his Cheat Ability was [Possession] and could give him the ability to act like a ghost and possess any living being he wanted, however, he could not carry over their powers nor anything, and changing through man bodies at the same time would make him exhausted.

Nonetheless, he was inherently malicious due to his terrible life compared to the rest of the Heroes, and cooperated with Gabriel as he had promised him greatness… However, he had other plans.

"Yes… And now, you will be a good soldier…" laughed Josef, as he hit Lance with an enormous barrage of blazing fists!

"Unnghhh?! W-What?! You… traitor!"


Leaving him unconscious, another figure emerged.

"Domination…" it said, as it suddenly covered the entire tattered body of Lance, dominating his mind and… taming him!

"Ungh… Unngaaahh…!"

Lance tried to resist, but to no avail, he was dominated and made into a slave!

"Good…" laughed the figure, as Lance stood up, now, his face was expressionless, as if he had become a mindless soldier…

"Finally. It has been some time since you acquired a new tamed Hero, Master…" said Josef through Benjamin.

"Let me tame this fool as well…" said the \'Master\', as he forcefully tamed Benjamin through his Domination, and the help of Josef Possession…

Josef quickly flew off Benjamin, as a new and mindless soldier kneeled before the Dominator…

"Heh… I cannot wait to tame Eustace and then Gabriel! Everyone will become my slaves… Everyone will do… whatever I say! I was destined to become God…" it laughed, a new figure which did not belong to Gabriel nor Eustace group had infiltrated into the war, changing its course completely…


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