
Chapter 325 - Veronica And Anna’s Love!


This was not how she planned things to go…

She was just doing a little teasing like always because she enjoyed seeing Anna\'s adorable embarrassment…

Well, it was not as if she did not like Anna…

In fact, she liked her a lot…

But still, it was not as she expected!

Her lips were made of her materialized phantom, but now that she had leveled up her Phantom Form into Spectral Embodiment and her five senses into Spectral Six Senses, all of her senses were almost the same as if she had a skin, a mouth with saliva… and all.

Due to this, she was capable of replicating flesh with her phantom quite perfectly at this point… so she felt the soft and warm lips of Anna touch her own quite well…

And even more, as Anna was being a bit… impulsive, seeping her tongue into her mouth, as her warm tongue touched her own, the sensations were like nothing she had ever experienced!

This was because… well, Veronica never had any kind of experience in this, in fact, she had never kissed anyone on the lips before in all her previous lives, so this was a first.

For a moment, Veronica could not help but feel embarrassed, as her face turned slightly rosy despite always being so pale, by infusing more Mana instinctively, she was able to replicate even more how flesh was with her phantom… her mind feels drowsy, and her eyes seemed to look at Anna with an enamored expression…

Anna herself felt as if Veronica\'s lips and mouth were better than she had imagined… she really just felt like a living being, her breath, her saliva, and her tongue… Although it was a tad bit colder, Anna\'s warmness was overwhelming enough for her to find this coldness quite refreshing, combining well with Veronica.

"Veronica\'s lips are so… soft," she thought, without giving away Veronica at all.

Anna for some reason embraced Veronica with her arms as she kept kissing her…

Everyone stared at this, with Kireina smiling mischievously.

"Oh my… Maybe you should move this into a private room…" she said.

"H-How long are you going to kiss, you perverted woman?! Let go of Veronica!" cried Shade in embarrassment.

Suddenly, Anna and Veronica\'s eyes, which seemed to be in some kind of trance due to the passion of the moment quickly came back to reality, as Anna moved her lips away from Veronica immediately after!

"A-Ah…! I… I really did it, didn\'t I?" muttered Anna while averting her gaze from Veronica, her entire face was glowing red like a tomato!

"Muh… Y-You… P-Pervert! W-What was with that?!" asked Veronica, she was almost about to cry!

Anna glanced at such a vulnerable expression in someone she always thought to be so strong, and she could not help but feel a bit bad… but the cuteness that Veronica was showing was also something very adorable.

"V-Veronica, sorry! I was… I just… I thought! I… Sorry!" cried Anna.

"W-Well, that was… something…" said Jason.

"Woah Anna, didn\'t expect that of you from all things," said Ismene with a teasing smile.

"T-That was a kiss, peko…?" asked Pekorina with embarrassment.

Veronica averted her gaze from Anna as she showed a slightly angry expression, although she was also quite red, crossing her arms cutely.

She was not wearing any armor, or well, she was, but she had transformed her armor into fine -metallic threads, molding it as a beautiful dress, so she did not look all that intimidating anymore.

Perhaps because of this, Anna saw her more like her than an Undead, especially because the only difference between Veronica and someone alive was her tone of skin and eyes and hair color, as she was, at this point, capable of replicating almost everything, even scent, which was always like roses with a slight metallic scent, which also Anna liked because she was a blacksmith…

"T-That was… my first kiss, you know?" asked Veronica in embarrassment.

"E-Eh? Y-You… never kissed… in your previous lives?" asked Anna.

"N-No…! I am a pure maiden!" said Veronica.

"I-I see… s-so I just stole your first kiss… I am really sorry… I thought that because of your teasing, that this… was what you wanted…" muttered Anna apologetically.

"W-Well… I-It\'s not like I don\'t like you, A-Anna… But still! That really caught me off guard! You should… had asked me for a kiss at least… It\'s not like I would have said \'no\'…" said Veronica, as she glanced at Anna from time to time, but while keeping her gaze averted from her.

Anna was becoming even more infatuated by Veronica\'s sudden change in attitude… She was simply falling in love with her even more now.

"Sorry… I will make up for it," said Anna, grabbing Veronica\'s cold, pale white hands with her strong and muscular chocolate-skinned hands which were filled with slight scars.

Veronica did not move her hands off Anna\'s or anything, as she slowly glanced at her eyes…

"R-Really? T-Then… take responsibility…" said Veronica.

"R-Responsibility…?" asked Anna while blushing adorably.

"H-How can you not guess…?" asked Veronica while glancing at Anna\'s beautiful emerald eyes.

"I… I see…" Anna said, smiling at Veronica, the whole public around them was watching them as if this were some kind of tv drama!

"T-Then…?" asked Veronica.

"A-Alright… T-This is a bit hard to muster…" muttered Anna embarrassedly, as she glanced at Veronica\'s crimson eyes.

"V-Veronica… Would you… like to… be… err… my… well, how is it said?" asked Anna, her embarrassment was making her forget the things she learned from Earth\'s culture from Veronica.

"How can you forget?! S-Sheesh!" said Veronica.

"N-No, I didn\'t! I-I… Please, Veronica, become my girlfriend!" said Anna, bowing down her head.

A girlfriend!

Within the culture of the Squirrel-kin, there was nothing such as girlfriends or boyfriends, and relationships were strictly made for reproduction.

Especially within the tribe of Squirrel-kin, where women mated with random men that came to visit them so they could bear an offspring and then raise it alongside her sisters without a father to stay with the women.

Even now that the Squirrel-kin was living with several men from other tribes, it was still rare for them to have a romantic relationship with someone, but many of them were inspired by what Veronica and Ervas had spread, about \'having girlfriend or boyfriends\', which was the first stage before marriage!

Whoever you fell in love with, and if the feeling were mutual, would accept to be your girlfriend/boyfriend!

Veronica smiled with a bit of emotion, as her crimson eyes were about to begin crying!

No one had ever confessed to Veronica before, and through her two previous lives, she had already given up on having a romantic relationship with anyone…

But this changed in her third life… although she was given the body of an undead that did not even have flesh…

But even then, even if she was like this… Anna still loved her… and well, Shade too, but he was not included in this for now!

"Do you really mean it? Even if I am… an Undead? Even if I do not have a physical body? Even if I… am technically dead? Even if I… am a woman too?" asked Veronica, tears began to drip from her eyes as her arms, those that were seen to be spectral and powerful were trembling nervously…

Anna then got to know of Veronica\'s vulnerability.

Behind that happiness, behind that cheerfulness, and behind that immense will that could go through everything…

She was insecure and fearful of this, she… did not want Anna to regret such a relationship in the future…

She did not want to be hurt…

Anna glanced at the \'new\' Veronica in front of her, with all of her strengths and also her weaknesses, yet… she could not help but feel so passionately in love with her, no matter what she said, no matter the problems or the hardships to come… she wanted to stay at her side for eternity.

"Yes… Dummy… Of course, I accept all of that… You shouldn\'t have even asked me that to begin with…" said Anna with a gentle smile, her emerald eyes were also about to cry.

"A-Ah…! W-Well… Maybe I was being… a bit too insecure… seeing as this is my first relationship and all…" said Veronica as she slightly averted her gaze from Anna.

"T-Then?" asked Anna with a bit of hope for a response she desired, although there was also small insecurity that Veronica might reject her at the end.

Veronica glanced back at Anna, as she slowly approached her face…

"Yes, I want to be yours… Anna. I will gladly be your girlfriend, fufu…" she said, kissing her gently.

Anna then broke into tears as her lips touched Veronica\'s lips once more, albeit this kiss was shorter than the one before, it felt even more delicious and beautiful than before.

Separating their lips, they glanced at each other.

"A-Anna… Buaaaaaah!"

Veronica suddenly exploded into a loud weep, as she tightly hugged Anna\'s warm and muscular beauty of a body.

"Never… leave me!" she cried.

"Veronica…" muttered Anna.

"O-Okay? Always… stay at my side! And I… will make sure to do the same!" Veronica cried as Anna glanced at her teary crimson eyes, cleaning her phantasmal tears, as she nodded gently.

"Of course… I will always stay at your side, Veronica…" said Anna.

"Anna… Kyaah, you\'re so gentlemanly~!" said Veronica, as she finally went back to her usual self, glancing at Anna with enamored eyes.

"E-Eh? S-Sheesh… I am also a woman you know!" said Anna.

"Fufu, I know, I know~ So? Should we go later to bed and have se-" muttered Veronica before Anna covered her mouth, her face was now incredibly red!

"D-Don\'t say that! We are in front of children!" said Anna.

"Ahahaha! Sorry, sorry!" laughed Veronica.

"W-Well, that\'s that…" said Jason.

"I\'m glad they\'re together, they match a lot," said Ervas with a mild smile.

"V-Veronica, what about meeeee?" cried Shade.

"Shade? Don\'t worry, come here!" said Veronica, extending her arms as Shade flew towards her, he was a flying crimson eye, yet she hugged him.

"Don\'t worry, I also love you dearly, alright?" said Veronica, kissing Shade.

"A-Ahhh! Oohh…!" cried Shade in both happiness and surprise, as he fell unconscious!

"He fell unconscious…" said Anna.

"OH? Maybe I went a bit too far? Well, wasn\'t that what he wanted to hear?" wondered Veronica, she didn\'t get it.

"Can Spirits even fall unconscious?!" asked Jason.

"Well, now it\'s confirmed…" said Ervas.

"Now that I think about it… Anna, what do you think of Shade? Are you okay with him… also being in a relationship with Veronica potentially?" asked Kireina.

"Oh? Yeah, of course. Why wouldn\'t I? He was with her before me, so would not it be rude to throw him off? I also kind of like him, he\'s cute," said Anna.

"I see… I guess the thing about polygamy in your culture doesn\'t even exist, so it is easier to accept multiple partners with your lover…" said Kireina.

"Multiple partners? Only Shade though!" said Anna.

"O-Oh… I guess Veronica is not getting a big harem then, fufu," laughed Kireina.

"Well, it\'s not like I need one… Anna and Shade are all I need…" said Veronica, petting the unconscious Shade as she kissed Anna again, both girls glanced at each other no longer like before, and their hands were tightly grasping each other passionately.

"I am glad everything went fine, although it was very quick and out of nowhere…" said Ismene.

"It had to eventually happen I guess," said Jason.

"Does this means that I have another mommy now?!" asked Charlotte in surprise.

"Gishi!" said Kuro.

"Mommy Anna, guubo!" said Aqua.

"Should I call Anna "My Lady" as well from now on?" wondered Ozgeth.

"Lady Anna, please, make Lady Veronica happy!" said Lilith while being very moved by the scene.

"You better make her happy!" said Feroya.

"Don\'t worry, she\'s in good hands!" said Sevapheso.

"Hm, I don\'t think I have anything to say in this…" said Grakgna.

"S-So many… I promise to make her happy, alright? Don\'t get so close to me!" cried Anna as she was overwhelmed by the many \'children\' of Veronica who expressed their love to their new \'mother\' or \'lady\'.

"A-Anyways… Maybe it should be a good time for… Veronica, to evolve? We got some business in Kosmos, right?" asked Ervas.

"Oh right!" said Veronica.


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