
Chapter 178

Chapter 178

Except for the occasional students who looked at him with bitter eyes in the hallway, his life was no different from April and May when the filming was over.

After the fourth period, math class ended and it was lunchtime.

Jukyung and Juhee headed to the cafeteria with giggles. 

Seo-jun and Jaehan also laughed.

It was already the third time that senior students who looked like third graders stared at Seo-jun with bitter eyes. 

One of them even rubbed his arm as if he had goosebumps.

When the seniors moved away, Jukyung opened his mouth.

They must have seen the movie. They all have similar reactions.

Right. They must think of the movie when they see Seo-jun. They either feel sorry for him or get scared by remembering the last scene.

Juhee nodded.

I also watched the moviegoers review and I was surprised that the historical drama turned into a horror movie. I never imagined that he would interpret it that way. I watched it again after seeing his review, and I was tense from the beginning.

The moviegoers review also had English subtitles, so its a mess overseas.

Jaehans words made Seo-jun nod. He had heard that too.

The comments said that they didnt know that there was such a meaning in that short scene that they thought was just an introduction of the palace. 

From The Physician to Nosan-guns Diary, to The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty. Some people said that they were studying Korea while watching Seo-juns works.

Seongnyeong and Danjongs era must be very famous overseas.

Rebellion Plus was also fun.

Oh, I watched that too.

Except for the occasional students who looked at him with bitter eyes in the hallway, his life was no different from April and May when the filming was over.

After the fourth period, math class ended and it was lunchtime.

Jukyung and Juhee headed to the cafeteria with giggles. Seo-jun and Jaehan also laughed.

It was already the third time that senior students who looked like third graders stared at Seo-jun with bitter eyes. 

One of them even rubbed his arm as if he had goosebumps.

When the seniors moved away, Jukyung opened his mouth.

They must have seen the movie. They all have similar reactions.

Right. They must think of the movie when they see Seo-jun. They either feel sorry for him or get scared by remembering the last scene.

Juhee nodded.

I also watched the moviegoers review and I was surprised that the historical drama turned into a horror movie. I never imagined that he would interpret it that way. I watched it again after seeing his review, and I was tense from the beginning.

The moviegoers review also had English subtitles, so its a mess overseas.

Jaehans words made Seo-jun nod. 

He had heard that too.

The comments said that they didnt know that there was such a meaning in that short scene that they thought was just an introduction of the palace. 

From The Physician to Nosan-guns Diary, to The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty. Some people said that they were studying Korea while watching Seo-juns works.

Seongnyeong and Danjongs era must be very famous overseas.

Rebellion Plus was also fun.

Oh, I watched that too.

Seo-jun and his friends stood in line behind the other students. 

The cafeteria was not crowded since there were not many students. 

The kids in front of them were familiar faces, so they exchanged light greetings. 

The second and third graders inside the cafeteria looked at Seo-jun with a smirk, but the first graders seemed to be used to him.

Something caught Seo-juns eye as he looked around the cafeteria. 

A symbol that no one else could see sparkled on one wall of the cafeteria.

Im glad I carved it in the cafeteria too.

Once a day. 

One of the places he had to visit when he came to school was the cafeteria. 

Besides, he had to eat with the second and third graders, so it was more necessary. 

Seo-jun smiled contentedly and checked the mana left in the symbol.

Ill have to refill it today.

Seo-jun emitted mana to replenish it, and listened to his friends stories. 

They were talking about Rebellion Plus.

I researched everything from Munjongs Annals to Nosan-guns Diary, to Sejos Annals. And legends and folktales too. It was amazing.

Wasnt it nice that they showed us edited scenes from Rebellion? They edited the interesting scenes so well, I wanted to watch the movie again.

Me too. It was thrilling.

The kids laughed.

By the way, our history teacher said he would teach us about Gye Yujungnan next time It will be fun

I think Ill get Danjong right on the test.

Me too.

The kids in front and behind Seo-jun agreed with Jukyungs words and nodded.

The line got shorter and it was Seo-jun and his friends turn. Food piled up on Seo-juns plate one by one. 

Todays lunch menu was Toowoomba pasta with wedge potatoes, salad, soybean paste soup, pork neck steak. 

There was also rice and apple juice in a pack for dessert.

The kids eyes sparkled at the delicious-looking menu that seemed like it came from a restaurant.

Our school is awesome!

They sat down at an empty seat and picked up their spoons. 

They reached for their favorite food first. 

Seo-jun scooped up a spoonful of soybean paste soup and drank it. 

The well-seasoned soup suited Seo-juns taste.

Ah, delicious!

The pasta is good too!

Seo-jun and his friends devoured their lunch happily. 

It was delicious and they were at an age where they could eat anything, so they finished their lunch quickly.

They cleaned up their empty plates and left the cafeteria with apple juice in their hands.

It was delicious today too.

Right. The school food is so good.

Joo-hee and Joo-kyung drank the apple juice that came out as dessert with satisfied expressions. 

Seo-jun and Jae-han also nodded their heads as they sipped their apple juice.

The plum juice at the cafeteria was good, but this is even better.

Our elementary school cafeteria was not so great.


Yeah. It wasnt bad, but it was plain. The side dishes were always the same.

As they walked and listened to Jae-hans story about his elementary school cafeteria, they saw the Yeoul Arts Middle School bulletin boards on each floor.

[Yeoul Arts Middle School Bulletin Board]

It was a place where students could post announcements about volunteer activities, events, club promotions, and other matters. 

Unlike the bulletin board in elementary school, where only teachers could post, the Yeoul Arts Middle School bulletin board had more posts by students.

Seo-jun and the kids eyes sparkled as they stood in front of the bulletin board.

There are a lot of posts today.

Yeah. There werent many last week

Until last Friday, there were only announcements by teachers and posters for outside events, but today, Monday, the bulletin board was full of papers.

New crisp papers caught Seo-juns eye. 

They were announcements that had not been posted for long. 

There were colorful and decorated announcements, and neat ones with black letters. 

The announcements seemed to show the personalities of the students who posted them.

There was a common word in the announcements: graduation.

It looks like the third graders are preparing for their graduation performance.

Joo-woo. Seo-jun, who was sucking in apple juice, scanned the bulletin board.

Graduation performance

The third graders of Yeoul Arts Middle School invited all the students and guests to Yeoul Hall the day before graduation and showed them a performance. 

The music department had a concert, the art department had an exhibition, and the acting department had a play.

Of course, they didnt have to do a graduation performance. But considering that it would be uploaded to the YouTube channel [Yeoul Arts Middle School], which had a lot of subscribers, doing a graduation performance was good for their future.

There are people who cast after watching the graduation performance.

It was also good to write on their self-introduction when they entered high school.

Feeling the sweet apple taste in his mouth, Seo-jun read each announcement. It was a graduation performance that he might do when he became a third grader. 

He wondered what kind of performances there were. 

He rolled his eyes around, and heard his friends conversation.

Besides, our school is getting a lot of attention these days. Both in Korea and abroad.

Its thanks to Seo-jun. People who watched the movie also watch Seo-juns skill videos, and there are people who watch other skill videos after that. There are even kids who get English comments.

I got an English comment on my video too.

Really? Thats amazing!

The kids were impressed by Jae-hans words. 

Jae-han smiled shyly at Seo-jun and the kids applause.

So I heard that there are more graduation performances than usual.

I see.

Seo-jun nodded his head as he listened to Joo-hees story.

The art department seniors also use a lot of acting department students as models for their graduation works.

I guess its because they have expressive skills.

There was also an announcement from the art department on the bulletin board.

Come to think of it, they asked me to model at the entrance ceremony.

He thought it was just a passing remark since he didnt hear anything after that. 

If the art department seniors who were worried about when to ask him heard that, they would have cried out loud. 

Seo-jun was thinking calmly.

The acting department seniors also recruit a lot of students from other departments.

They recruit from the art department to help with the stage background or props, and from the music department to get suitable music for the play.

It sounds very professional.

I wonder if we can do it too.

Joo-hee answered Jae-hans question. 

As the class president, she had heard a lot of stories from running around.

First graders can join as assistants, but only from the second semester. Thats why the teachers havent taught us yet. Usually, they watch how its done from the first grade, then prepare a short performance in the second grade, and then prepare a proper graduation performance in the third grade. They usually prepare for six months, but some seniors prepare for more than a year.

I see.

While preparing for the summer vacation, they also recruit first graders who can help in between the second semester. Thats why only second and third graders are recruiting now.

Seo-jun nodded his head as he listened to Joo-hees story and read each announcement on the bulletin board. 

There were various plays, from one-person plays where only one person stood on the stage, to two-person plays where two people had a dialogue, and to plays where many people acted. 

Various plays were looking for participants. 

Of course, the target was only second and third graders.

I should look at what kind of announcements there are and find one that I can join in the second semester.

Ill take a picture and send it to you later.

Oh, thanks.

Joo-kyung took out her phone and stopped Jae-han who was about to take notes of the announcements.

Some schools collected students phones, but Yeoul Arts Middle School didnt restrict phones much as long as they were not used inappropriately. 

The phones were useful for recording their acting, capturing a sudden inspiration, or taking pictures of beautiful scenes.

Jae-han. Hold the paper for me.


Jae-han held the paper so that it would be well captured by the camera, and Joo-kyung held her phone.

Click click, as the shutter sound was heard, Seo-jun and Joo-hee talked.

But it would be easier if they posted it on the school website. Why do they stick it on the bulletin board?

Joo-hee shrugged her shoulders at Seo-juns question.

I dont know.

Finding audition announcements is also part of an actors job.

A strange voice suddenly interrupted them. Seo-jun and the kids turned their heads to where the voice came from.

Behind them, there was a female senior student.

She was about to answer the questions of the chick-like first graders who were crowded in front of the bulletin board, but when she saw their faces, her heart sank.

It was Lee Seo-jun.

Oh my god!

Oh. Lee Seo-jun. Its Lee Seo-jun!

She tried to hide her trembling heart and opened her mouth calmly. 

It was an act worthy of a Yeoul Arts Middle School acting department third grader.


Hi, hello?

The kids greeted the unfamiliar senior awkwardly.

Can you move aside for a moment?

Oh, yes.

Jae-han and Joo-kyung moved aside slightly. 

The female senior student who looked like a senior tore off a sheet of paper that was stuck on the bulletin board.


Question marks appeared above the kids heads.

The senior student smiled and spoke to the bewildered juniors.

This one is closed.

The kids eyes widened.


Yeah. Most of them started recruiting this week, but our team started recruiting last week. And the recruitment period just ended.

The recruitment period on the announcement that the senior showed them was indeed until noon today. The kids blinked their eyes.


The senior tried to hide her expression that was about to melt at the sight of the surprised juniors.

She couldnt stop her eyes from going to the superstar Lee Seo-jun. 

She had seen him passing by sometimes, but this was the first time she saw him up close. 

And they were even talking.

I have to brag to my friends!

The senior quickly hid her fluttering heart and spoke softly.

Checking audition announcements often is also part of an actors job. If you space out, youll miss all the good roles and good works. Besides, our school also finds audition announcements for outside works that match our age and posts them on the bulletin board. You have to move fast because there are cases where you miss them. Usually, you should look at the bulletin board at least once a week. Of course, except for special cases, first graders can only do outside activities from the second semester. The teachers will tell you more about it then.

Seo-jun was impressed. 

It was similar to what Team 2 did at school. 

For the kids who didnt have a manager or an agency, it was easier to look at the audition announcements on the school bulletin board than to search online.

The kids who realized that fact were also impressed.

I see!

Thank you.

The senior received the kids greetings and headed to her class as if she was flying. 

Joo-kyung opened her mouth as she watched the senior disappear in an instant.

Shes a nice senior, right?

Yeah. We should tell the others too.

The kids nodded their heads at Joo-hees words as the class president. 

Seo-jun had noticed the seniors flinching expression, but he pretended not to know and agreed with Joo-kyungs words.

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