
Chapter 236: Give an inch, take a mile

“Mhm,” with Luo Ziling holding her waist and sitting on the horse, Yang Qingyin, though a bit embarrassed, was no longer panicked like before.

Having never ridden a horse before, she felt a faint excitement.

“Then let’s let the horse run wild,” Luo Ziling said as he slapped the horse’s bottom, and with a cry of “Go,” he spurred the horse into motion.

Yang Qingyin’s sense of balance wasn’t very good, and when the horse suddenly took off, she was caught off guard and naturally fell backwards.

Fortunately, behind her was Luo Ziling’s strong body, like a wall enclosing her, allowing her to maintain balance. But she was still quite scared, clutching Luo Ziling’s arms tightly.

“Don’t be afraid, if you sit up straight as I say, you’ll keep your balance,” Luo Ziling passed his own experience to Yang Qingyin.

He told her how to maintain her balance on horseback and what to do when the horse accelerated, slowed down, and turned. Leaning in Luo Ziling’s embrace and with his arms tightly around her, Yang Qingyin’s initial fear gave way to a surge of intense curiosity.

“You will have to teach me how to ride on my own later,” she said with a smile as she turned her head to look at Luo Ziling, the tension from before completely gone, “Take me for a run around first, and speed it up a bit. I want to feel the thrill of galloping.”

“Didn’t expect to see, senior sister also likes such excitement,” Luo Ziling chuckled, holding Yang Qingyin even tighter, before giving the horse another hard slap on the bottom to make it run faster.

The black horse did not disappoint and, upon accepting Luo Ziling as its new “master,” it began to gallop away.

As the speed picked up, Yang Qingyin again lost her balance and fell into Luo Ziling’s embrace.

Feeling her warm body in his arms, Luo Ziling found the sensation incredibly wonderful. As the speed increased, Yang Qingyin’s flowing hair danced onto his waist, and amidst the entwining black silk, as their temples brushed against each other, they seemed to merge into one.

Unlike other methods provided for tourists to ride horses on the grassland, Luo Ziling did not follow the regulations to stroll near the riding arena, but instead urged the horse to run at a quick pace deep into the grassland, disappearing from everyone’s sight within moments.

Ye Xiaoli was a bit anxious, but she didn’t have any way to intervene, only able to stand in place and wait.

As the horse galloped, the grassland whizzed past at a rapid pace, and Yang Qingyin, leaning in Luo Ziling’s arms, found it too exhilarating.

Her heart filled with excitement, she nestled into Luo Ziling’s embrace, occasionally letting out a scream.

For the first time in her life, she disregarded her image, and shouted at the top of her lungs.

The further they ran, the fewer people they encountered, and the scenery of the grassland became even more beautiful, with the blue sky, white clouds, and fields looking as stunning as a computer desktop wallpaper.

After slightly slowing down, Luo Ziling, with one hand holding the reins around Yang Qingyin’s slender waist, took out his phone from his pocket with the other hand and turned on the video recording function.

“Come on, look at the phone and smile,” Luo Ziling shouted in Yang Qingyin’s ear.

Yang Qingyin cooperated by raising her head and smiling brilliantly at the phone’s camera.

After recording a few videos, Luo Ziling also took some photos, pictures of the two of them riding closely together.

Yang Qingyin showed no resistance, engaging in various poses with a sweet smile.

Upon reaching a small hill, Luo Ziling commanded the horse to slow down, and the obedient horse trotted at a leisurely pace.

After the horse stopped, Luo Ziling jumped down from the horseback and ran a few steps to take several photos of Yang Qingyin.

Yang Qingyin showed no refusal or fear, sitting on the horseback alone, she flashed different smiles at Luo Ziling’s phone camera in various ways.

Luo Ziling lifted his phone proudly and said, “The photos today are very beautiful, and the video is quite thrilling.”

“Send me both the photos and the video later.”

“Okay. Sit tight, I’ll guard you while you ride for a while,” Luo Ziling said, holding the reins and gesturing for Yang Qingyin to ride the horse alone.

Yang Qingyin seemed excited and not scared at all, and following Luo Ziling’s instructions, she sat firmly and let the horse carry her forward slowly.

However, maintaining balance on the horseback wasn’t so easy; as the horse swayed, Yang Qingyin always felt she was losing balance and couldn’t help but scream out.

“I don’t want to ride alone anymore,” Yang Qingyin quickly changed her mind, asking Luo Ziling to come back on and guard her as she rode.

Resting in Luo Ziling’s broad embrace, she was no longer afraid, but riding alone on the horseback was still quite nerve-wracking.

Luo Ziling immediately jumped onto the horseback, wrapping his arms around Yang Qingyin’s waist again, and spurred the horse forward into a trot.

The feeling of the two hugging on the horse, with their temples rubbing against each other, was indescribably delightful.

Because it was hard to keep balanced, Yang Qingyin’s entire body leaned into Luo Ziling’s embrace as the horse galloped.

Embracing her body, breathing in her scent, entangled by her hair, Luo Ziling felt slightly intoxicated.

“Junior, horse riding is really thrilling, much more satisfying than driving a car,” Yang Qingyin giggled after Luo Ziling directed the horse around a bend, “How about we buy a horse and go riding whenever we have time, what do you think?”

“Riding a horse in the city doesn’t have the same feel as it does on the grasslands. Let’s come back to the grasslands to ride when we have the chance,” Luo Ziling suggested an alternative, not rejecting Yang Qingyin’s idea, “If you’re interested, we could buy this horse; it has already accepted me as its master. But I don’t have a place to keep it, if you can solve the issue of where to keep it, I don’t mind.”

“Alright then, since this place isn’t far, we can always come back, so let’s not buy one,” Yang Qingyin agreed, and turned back to look at Luo Ziling once more, “I now fully believe that you’re a master at horseback riding.”

“I’ve given you a full taste of it today, don’t I deserve a reward?” Luo Ziling said, looking at Yang Qingyin with a mischievous smile.

Yang Qingyin’s face turned a bit red, “What reward do you want?”

“I’ll take what I want,” Luo Ziling said, and leaning forward, he kissed Yang Qingyin on the face.

Although the fluttering hair blocked much of the sensation, Yang Qingyin still genuinely felt Luo Ziling’s kiss and couldn’t help feeling deeply embarrassed.

Luo Ziling was someone who liked to push his luck, seeing that Yang Qingyin didn’t dodge, but blushed with shyness, he used his skilled horsemanship to gently force her head around.

Without a moment of hesitation, he kissed Yang Qingyin’s lips directly. This time it wasn’t a peck; it was a deep kiss.

After a startled cry, Yang Qingyin didn’t pull away but accepted it.

Thus, atop the swiftly galloping horse, the two shared their first real kiss.

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