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Chapter 2234: 2234. Wonderful Rune Advancements

Chapter 2234: 2234. Wonderful Rune Advancements

Because Walker always wished to help, he quickly became more involved in a few events happening. The herb gardens that the spirit race was working on became a focus for him as he could help provide the right manas to help each herb take root.

Since the herb gardens had become so important to a potential place with a natural rune, there was also a growth in people wanting to be part of that. The idea that they could study herbs then be the first to create or fully understand a natural rune entirely was the greater desire here.

As a driving force, natural runes had always been something people would be amazed about. Especially since they had once been something thought of as almost mythicals. Now though, it had been proven to be possible, therefore, it would attract people\'s attention. Especially those that wanted to carve out their own future.

Few of the rune carvers who had made a lot of advancements in the styles of runes and the understanding of elemental runes, had brought Walker in to their workshops too. The differences in workshops between them and a blacksmith was somewhat surprising. Not in the size, but the number of materials present.

The striking number of materials for testing runes was incredible. Whether it was fabrics, stones, metals, or even different woods, there were plenty of test options. Even some monster bones had been kept to be used as carving material. The rune carvers mentioned the innate affinities of some monsters allowed for certain runes to work more efficiently.

In part, Walker was relearning what he knew about runes. Especially since the draconic runes, ancient runes, and modern day runes had all slowly been becoming something new. These newer runes had become useful formations that could do much more than what he had known of rune formations before.

The magic locks on the doors of the adventurer\'s guild upper offices had been some of the first rune formations he encountered. He had been amazed by them since they kept the offices safe along with everything within them.

But, they were basically nothing compared to the level of rune formations now.

Not only could a lock be made to prevent entry, the locks made with these improved runes were easily ten times better. Not only would there be a preservation function that kept the door from degrading over the years, but also a tougher defensive ability. Meaning even some dragons would struggle to break them with pure force alone.

Just the fact that the runes had been changed from something a dragon would not even care about to something they would struggle with was spectacular. That was why so many buildings could withstand the pressure from dragons flying by or even landing on them in some parts of Genesis now.

It would only keep growing in proportion to the research being done as well. Walker could see the many runes carved in to small plates for testing. There were variations of one rune that would be ideal for wind elemental mana to flow through. Then, that rune would be changed with smaller designs and smaller patterns.

Each needed the right balance of mana to be used when carving them. Not to mention many of these runes needed specific materials to even be carved, something that many people forgot to mention when it came to rune formations in general.

Hence why the elemental teleportation rune formations were heavily maintained and a greater focus on the rune carvers. They were the ones that needed to take the time to constantly rebuild them. Their hard work was used every single day to maintain the current functions of Genesis. The development of newer and better runes would take that pressure off their shoulders.

As he explored the rune workshop, Walker was careful not to bother those who studied and worked. He was there to learn a thing or two, but that did not mean he could ruin the progress of others. These were hardworking people, some who traveled long distances to be here and see what they had seen.

He managed to find a section dedicated to the recreation of ancient runes. The so called, origin runes, had lost that name and just become the larger umbrella term of proper ancient runes. The reason they had become this was because they were not as perfect as what everyone believed at first. Just much more advanced than what had been used before they had been rediscovered.

The ancient runes had been used in places like the mage tower and the city it had once been connected to. Those runes had efficiently boosted the manas of what the city could use overall. Since that was the case, it also made water gathering places possible. The same for fires to be lit in colder times.

Not that these were proper flames being made. They were fire mana mixed with the ambient wind mana to create a ball of hovering flame to put off warmth and light on the streets without much smoke at all. The water gathering runes would bring water mana from the air and force water to gather in small pools which also had a smaller light rune to purify the water so it could easily be drunk.

These two amazing discoveries took a little time to get from the ruins within the desert due to the dangers there. However, when they made it to Genesis they were greatly used right away. Mostly for the convenience and the fact that less dwarven plumbing had to be built.

It wasn\'t that the dwarven plumbing systems were hard to create for the dwarves, but the metals and other materials were better used elsewhere at the moment. For the large building of metal ships, the floating ship. New homes, and so on. So many changes were happening every single day that most people could not keep up with them. Having homes completely renovated when they might change again was troublesome.

Plus, with the water gathering rune formations now, people could have these small pools of safe to drink water in their homes whenever they needed them. This only went alongside the other smaller rune formations being used.

Communication runes were beginning to take shape. They would rely on the small but know about space runes along with other aspects of runes already used within the communication crystals which were being sought after with greater need every day.

Looking at the runes used, Walker could see how the patterns changed as different elemental manas would be channeled to ensure that a message made it to wherever needed to get it. He could also feel that the rune was missing a few things when he used his abilities to sense the mana moving through the runes.

It wasn\'t an easy puzzle either. What the rune formations were missing weren\'t some small water rune here or earth rune here issues. It was finding a way for the manas to flow through certain sections without clashing. Which could in turn cause manas to explode or other dangerous reactions.

From these failed attempts good had come. Certain failed runes and produced unique mixture of manas which led to a small lighting rune being created. While it did not have a specific

usage yet, it was part of new theories when making rune formations.

Some people had managed to create theories about trap runes that could be applied to the walls of a city in case of attacks. Others had figured that certain runes could be used to create a proper flow of manas when someone\'s body was full of chaotic manas. And even more people had assumed that these rune formations could be used during droughts to better water crops


As he moved through the building to a larger area where a significant number of rune carvers and rune researchers were standing, Walker realized they were all looking at the work of a

single elf.

On the floor, a thinner, and somewhat sickly, looking elf was drawing a rune formation that Walker could not recall seeing. "Even the hero came to watch him. I knew he was a genius. No one else is a rune formation genius like this guy." The whisper didn\'t escape Walker\'s ears as he watched and sensed the manas being used.

The various herbs ground in to ink so they could be used made the area smell earthy but it also brought more manas around the elf. His work was like watching an artist draw a masterpiece they cared for greatly. Walker could only wait to ask more about it when it was finished.



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