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Chapter 1635 1635. Baiting Fleas

"So you are saying that when you pulled back you felt that you were still holding the arrow back, just barely?" Gil had been pushing more and more questions on to the dragonkin. It was fair though, Gil had to ensure that this bow would hold up to rapid fire if ever needed to.

"Yes, the bow was slightly out of my control due to the strength of the string. I could feel that I was unable to draw it to a perfect eclipse, just by a slight margin." The instant report was what Walker liked about the dragonkin. They were blunt and to the point. Especially with a royal dragon around. But they also followed their desires to perfection.

The dragonkin had always served the dragons. That was just their place. But to say that this was a burden and something they hated would be a blatant lie. They took extreme pride in this. Yes they desired to grow more and they saw Genesis as that chance, but they still revered dragons as almighty beings.

Therefore, when a dragonkin was offered a chance to be the first that could learn a proper form of archery with a bow that could match their strength, it was a great opportunity. A chance to gain strength while representing the dragon they desired to serve. Since Mordant was closer to his dragonkin, the feeling was even more powerful.

"Hmm, if it is just barely out of your strength then it is perfect. You can get stronger the more that you use your bow. Then we can worry about strengthening the bow further with even better materials. I am sure that a few blacksmiths back home have materials that would work." Gil wanted to start making more of the bows but felt that it was currently impossible. They lacked materials and had a larger goal to achieve.

"I will use it in any way necessary to discern any flaws. I assure you my best effort." The dragonkin promised this for the third time making Walker step in.

"We need to move. I can see two more spots where the sand is unsettled. If we manage to capture those sand fleas too we can get even more materials. I have a feeling that we can use these for the building of the outpost here. Or at least leave them for those that can use them"

"Oh, that\'s a good idea. We can gather materials for those that follow us too. Walker, I think we should focus even more on this task then." Su found a good feeling in preparing for others\' safety. It was a value from the core of her being.

"My thoughts exactly. Su, take the lead. I want to see if we can bait one of the sand fleas out so that our new archer friend can take an easier shot and test the strength of the arrow without sand blocking him." Walker saw Gil\'s eyes brighten too. He was very glad that Walker was worrying about his experimentation with the new bow.

"Understood." Remey watched Su go after this. She neared the spot where the sand seemed unsettled and even moved with each footstep.

"Here we go." The hungry smile on Remey\'s face made Gil, Walker, and even the dragonkin step back. She had decided she would be punching this next sand flea so all Su had to do was lure it out. The hungry expression came from so many days cooped up in the ship. Even the training with Gil was nothing close to what Remey needed to burn off her pent up battle energy.

"Let Remey have her fun then. She might explode on us if she doesn\'t" Walker wanted to say more but he could understand. Gil and Remey had trained hard. She had been pushing her body in the forge with them and her own personal training. She wanted to withstand the flames she used most but also be able to toughen her body naturally. And Battle, was the best method for this.

After another step forward, Su saw a single leg lash out from the shifting sands. She had made sure to remain right on the edge as if she was an animal slowly deciding whether to step forward. It was a perfect taunt for the sand fleas that were within the sandy water. They could not resist the temptation of food on their doorstep.

The leg hit Su\'s shield and caused a loud clang but otherwise, Su was barely forced back a step. Her defenses were still in peak condition. The result of this was that the sand flea became angrier. It had not gotten the prey it wanted. But it had also riled up the other sand fleas around it. That was why Walker, Gil, and the dragonkin warrior reacted with Remey at the same time. They did not expect five sand fleas to show themselves.

Walker used the sand and water as his weapon. The eternal orb staff helped him pull the sand and water in to a solid mix that spiked up from the sand around it. Using just a little more mana, Walker caused ice to form from the salt water. It proved a little tougher and drained a decent amount more of mana than he expected. But that was the price he had to pay for freezing saltwater.

The spike pierced a single sand flea, easily defeating it. But Gil and the dragonkin warrior also had their own targets. Gil\'s arrows arched out and pierced the gaps in the sand flea\'s shell. It was a victim to the perfect precision that Gil trained in every single moment of archery training. The precision that pierced its internal organs.

The dragonkin warrior was slower. He only fired one arrow but that arrow was precise and well guided. Since the harpoon arrows held strength, they did not need to worry about the shells. Therefore, the harpoon arrow fired directly through the first layer of shell and showed them what it could do.

The sandy water had stopped some momentum from the harpoon arrow before. Now that it lacked that barrier, The harpoon arrow pierced halfway through the sand flea\'s body. This was a perfect illustration of the strength behind the bow and the damage that it could cause to a shelled enemy.

​ The two sand fleas left were next to Su and Remey. Remey had darted forward and already struck the sand flea that had attacked Su with a defense breaking palm. It was why Su was able to shield bash the sand flea away from her and watch it twitch while the internal damage defeated it. Remey\'s defense breaking palm attack had only gotten stronger as she had trained herself to make a defense breaking fist attack. Overall, she had held back in respect to how hard she could have hit. But this was training as well. Control of strength was important in any battle.

The last sand flea sensed its demise, yet, that didn\'t stop it from fighting. It had instincts that said to fight or die, and it chose to fight. That was why it leaped toward Remey. Unfortunately, it had leaped right toward its defeat. Right toward the fist that had just sparked in to flames.

The head on punch that hit the flea\'s head made a massive crush. The small burst of flames caused the shell struck to turn in to a black charcoal. Out of all the fleas defeated, this was the most brutal victory but also the most decisive.

"Good work, five found, five defeated. Walker, store them up. We have one more shifty sands over there to check before we can go to the tidal pools." Reney seemed happier than anything. She even whistles a little while bouncing in place waiting for Walker to store away everything.

"Your defense breaking palm is stronger than it used to be. You also added to that last attack with your flames. I didn\'t realize you had improved so much." Su\'s praise made Remey blush and act a little bashful. But it was all true. Everyone always felt that they missed some of their own growth when they were too focused.

"Don\'t think that I am slow. You showed off so watch what we can do." Gil slapped the dragonkin on the shoulder. He wanted back up to show off their skills.

"As the creator of this bow says, we will be faster." It was a little melodramatic though since the same energetic attitude was lost on the dragonkin.

"I hear you all, but keep your calm. The sand fleas are weak. But whatever is in the tidal pools might be more dangerous. We have plenty of monsters we have never seen in our lives here. But the more we document, the better." Walker stored the sand fleas and looked at their next target.



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