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Chapter 1045 - 1045. To Get Stronger

"If you can master the skill then you will be able to make an arrow that misses in to a hit. Not that you really miss, like, ever." It was funny hearing that Gil might miss from Walker\'s mouth. But Gil took it more seriously than they expected. 

"That\'s exactly it. If I miss then I can use the kill with Zephyrs\' help. That way I don\'t waste an arrow and we can hit weak points in an enemy. It will also help me against monsters that are well armored or faster than me." The possibilities were higher than the entire party had thought. 

"Oh, I get it. You can aim around me when I am punching something using that skill. That means I can focus on my fighting without worrying about blocking your shots. Same with Su and Midnight." Remey knew that Walker would prefer to fight long distance anyways so she didn\'t really include him in the battle plans. But she was still glad to hear that the support she received would be better. 

"How far are we?" Alice grabbed Walker\'s arm so she could get his attention. She had been softly singing to herself to practice her speed. She wanted to be able to sing faster when needed since she had found she was too slow reacting when they encountered monsters. 

"We should be rounding a bend in the river soon. Then we can cross at one of the bridges. After that, we leave the river and head toward Genesis. I would say we can get there in one more day if you use your songs to hasten our walking." What Walker called walking was more of a brisk walk close to a jog. The party had left behind the rapids and the water had evened out along with the steep banks for the river. If it was anyone else they would travel much slower, however, the party was getting more and more excited to be back in Genesis and work on the city. Alice had even started pushing them to move faster lately, just like now. 

"I\'m just surprised we haven\'t run in to anyone else. These trails are fairly clear and we have been on the same routes for a while now." Su had noticed some tracks after Gil pointed them out but they all seemed to be heading the same way the party was heading now. 

"If I was to guess I would say that people are heading toward Genesis. Hopefully, everything is built a little ahead of schedule." 

"It better be. I want my herb gardens set up right away. I have to start testing new members so they can start learning and creating the first generation of alchemy guild members." Remey jumped right in to the conversation. 

"The cathedral…will be beautiful." Since all of the stained glass windows at the cathedral had not been completed, Alice was imagining how well she would be able to make the rainbows reflect through them when she sang. It remained and would always be the favorite part of manipulating the light with her songs. 

"The entire city will be beautiful. I want to see it become the best possible place to live for every race. We just need to help the demons…" There was still the desire to save the oppressed demon race. Knowing that they suffered constantly under the hands of those who should stand to protect them, was what kept Walker focused. He wanted to change that and welcome them to their true potential to live a happy life. 

"We will do what we can. We have all the kingdoms and the dragons that should help us. When we go to the royal dragon court we can bring the other dragons on to the quest." Su gave Walker a pat on the shoulder to make him remember he was not alone in this endeavor. 

"Speaking of the dragons, I think it will be better for you guys to go alone. Just you two and Midnight. I think that Remey will be busy with her guild, I will be busy setting up the archers, Alice will be busy with the cathedral, and we know that Onyx wants to become stronger without relying on all of us." The topic had been on Gil\'s mind lately. 

"You are right. If I come with everyone then I might not be respected as much as a royal dragon even though I\'m, well, human. If I can stand tall with just my champion and her guardian then they will recognize me more. But we also need to make sure we are all prepared to go in to the demon lands. If we are not prepared then we can\'t rescue anyone." Walker saw it as a good chance for all of them to work on their weaknesses. They covered for each other so much that they would not work on themselves enough. 

"I agree, the alchemy guild will take a lot of my time but I want to develop a stock of potions for the Genesis forces to use when we go to free the demons." Remey supported the idea as well. The party all agreed as they stopped to rest for a short while. 



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