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Chapter 912 - 912. Take Notes

Seeing their fellow soldier get healed and look much better, the others nearby started to ask for the same. Even some of the older and more experienced healers were surprised and a little jealous. Having a focused healing skill was very rare and would normally only be possible when a healer reached a fairly high level. 

The reaction from them was to let Walker begin to heal the bones while they focused on the general instructions of long term healing. There were also general wounds like scrapes, cuts, and bruises that the healers specialized in. Walker was only focusing on the worst injuries to make their lives easier and the soldiers rest easier. 

"Leader, there is a boy who hit his head when he passed out from a fever. Please come over and heal him." Su was already pulling Walker away from the soldiers before he answered her. It was of the utmost importance that the boy had his cracked skull healed to prevent any damage or further bleeding. "I will get water and more bandages." 

The three healers that were already with the boy were focusing on the severe cold he had. His fever had heated his body and dehydrated him causing fainting. The nose was bleeding from the constant irritation and overall the boy was in poor condition. 

"My son has always been weak but he will be fine right? He will pull through? He was just too warm." The mother was rambling on in worry while the third healer comforted her to no avail. 

Seeing the cut on the boys\' head, Walker placed his hands over it and focused his healing skill on the obvious fracture that was underneath the skin. Falling for anyone was a dangerous event, but for a child, it was even more dangerous since their brain was still developing and their bones growing. 

The healers and Walker used their skills together causing the boy to heal much faster than normal. However, Walker did not force the bone to heal all the way. His goal was to reduce the damage and make sure that the healers could close the cut. 

\'The skill cooperative healing had been taken from the field medic system. The skill cooperative healing has been learned through user action with multiple other healers. 

Cooperative healing- passive

When the user heals a target with the assistance of multiple other healers the effects of the healing are boosted. This effect has no chance to harm the target unless the same healing spell is being used consecutively. The user is also able to lower the mana cost of the other healers working with them.\'

The skill was simple but shined when Walker felt it take effect. The fever the boy had decreased significantly. The bone healed almost all the way. The cut on his forehead was a faint scar and the boy\'s nose stopped bleeding. All that was left was to slowly give him water and allow him to rest for some time. 

As they all stepped back, the mother rushed to her sons\' side and broke down crying prompting one of the healers to calm her again. "That skill was yours, right? I have never felt my healing work that way. If you can use that again, stick with me." The healer that spoke was one of the more experienced healers in the entire cathedral. Walker recognized her from the multiple visits he had to the cathedral. 

"Then lead the way. The skill is called cooperative healing. It\'s a passive that activates when I heal with other healers. It boosts the effectiveness." Walker explained the skill and was instantly met with apprehension since id was not a familiar sounding skill to the experienced healer. 

"If I could learn a skill like that I would solidify my spot in the new cathedral when it is finished. Keep using it with me while we help out in the emergency area. I will grasp it by the end of the day." There was no choice for Walker. Through the next few hours, he saw glimpses of Su and Alice while also bumping in to the high priest here and there. But the healer worked him to the bone trying to grasp the skill Walker had learned. 

"That\'s it. I think I understand. Your healing spell influences mine because it is of a higher quality! Then your mana substitutes some of mine to cause the skills to blend together and increase the effects. I should be able to copy this. I just need to heal a few more people...or not." The healer fell to her knees exhausted. Walker helped her to the side of the room where she pulled out a notebook and recorded her progress. "Remember. Before passing out, take notes." The charcoal pencil fell from her hand and she was asleep just like that. Walker didn\'t have any words for how determined the woman he had just met was.




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