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Chapter 328 - 328. Goblin Creation

Walker and the party finished their little meal while the goblins looked at them in hopes of more food. They had all been hooked enough to want to find a way to ask for more. In response, Walker took out the remainder of a wide mouth frog body and left it to see what would happen.

The goblin spider rider was the first to start putting the puzzle pieces together that it was given. Walker had made a big show of how he prepared the meat and cooked it. The goblins had wanted every second of it with eagerness. Now they had a chance to figure it all out themselves. 

With this clicking in to place the goblin spider rider started to cut apart the meat with the crude sharpened rock. The pieces were not even at all but they were better than cooking ti whole. The other goblins realized this and joined in to the cutting process. 

Walker and the party were watching as the poorly made skewers came in to being. Walker just smiled more and more as they started the skewers cooking. They had not added spice but that was fine. Walker had them stored away anyways. 

The smell of cooking meat became the smell of burning as the goblins started to learn about cooking temperature. Some had placed the meat way too close to the fire while others feared the fire and placed it way too far. Either way there was only one goblin that seemed to be having success. 

The shortest goblin out of the bunch was cooking three skewers at once and continuously turned them. This was something Walker had done himself while cooking that he was sure the goblins would not use. Instead one of them was.

The goblin spider rider took notice of the shorter goblin and made some noises for the meat to be handed over to it for cooking. This move was another thing Walker had hoped for, if they could learn then it was only a matter of time before they started to see the benefits of peaceful relationships with other species.

The goblins were more successful after relying on the shorter one to cook for them. The result was less burned meat and a lot of happy eating. The goblins quickly eat their fill and started to fall asleep strewn about the ground in their poorly made beds. The only one that remained awake was the goblin spider rider. 

The arty was starting to prepare to leave when the goblin spider rider came forward and stood in front of Walker. It hissed a few times along with a few grunts before turning toward the cave. It looked back waiting for Walker to follow it. 

"Do you think it\'s safe to follow it?" Remey was worry that if Walker went he would not return. 

"Don\'t worry, Midnight can use her shadow wrapping skill to follow me unnoticed." Midnight looked at Walker knowing that her job would be to protect him if the worst happened. 

After taking a deep breath Walker followed the goblin spider rider in to the cave. He found that it was much easier to see because there were glowing green crystals in the walls. The spider webs hid them from the outside making it seem like any old dark cave. 

The walls had some crudely drawn images of spiders and goblins battling against each other before two came on contact with each other and didn\'t fight. Walker was able to tell this was the meeting of the goblin spider rider and the giant grey haired spider. 

The cave was a little deeper than Walker had expected it to be. The green crystals that he thought could be wind elemental crystals were most certainly not. They gave off a strange mana that seemed to be a mixture of mana elements, some Walker could not grasp. 

The farther the goblin spider rider lead him in to the cave the stronger the mixture of mana. Walker found that the injured grey haired spiders were in the webs against the walls shrinking back as he walked past them. They did not attack but carefully watched the two. 

The giant grey haired spider came in to view as the cave opened up in to a small round space. In the middle was a very large green crystal that seemed to glow with the beat of a heart. There were grey haired spider eggs all around it but for the front face if the crystal. 

Walker wished he could ask about the crystal and the eggs but as soon as the goblin spider rider stopped in front of it the glow intensified. The pulsing light seemed to become stranger and a shape formed within the crystal. Walker watched as the elements converged in to the shape of a young goblin. 

The crystal started to crack and fall to pieces leaving a goblin on the floor of the cave. Walker was standing there with his jaw on the floor. He had never expected to see such a thing. Most monsters were different from normal animals because they would be birthed through eggs, it was just how the world worked. There were some cases where monsters like slimes were created through natural means, and then there were cases that were still a mystery. Goblins were one of those mysteries. 

Walker was the first that he had ever heard to see a goblin birthed, and in a way that no one had expected. The crustal that had shattered seemed to melt in to the floor and form in to a much smaller crystal that pulsed very slowly. The green light became very soft and the goblin spider rider moved the small goblin to the back of the room while looking at Walker. This was an act of trust and respect, there was no other way to interpret it. 

Walker just nodded and did not move at all. He did not want to overstep his boundaries and interrupt what he was being shown out of trust. This was the start of a new path for the goblins. Walker wished he could return this gesture. 

At the moment the only thing he could think to do was to pull out more food from his inventory. He pulled out some of the horned rabbits he had left and placed them down in the cave. He also left the other body of the wide mouth frog. 

The goblin spider rider had wide eyes seeing this because it knew with this much food it would not need to go out hunting for a while. Since the grey haired spiders were injured and healing after the use of the antidote potion, they would need a few day\'s rest. 

This was a huge boon for the goblins since it would help them recover and even become stronger. The goblin spider rider made some grunting sounds and a small shriek at Walker. It was clear that these were words of gratitude. Even the giant grey haired spider had reacted by snapping its fangs together to make a small clicking sound. The two were still perfectly in sync. 

\'Hidden quest: Goblin friends has been completed.

The user has befriended a monster species thought to be hated by their own species due to their naturally evil tendencies. Having discovered that these were falshoods based on singular experiences the user has assisted the goblin species. The goblins now have the chance to change their fate as a species destined to go extinct to a species destined to stand equally with all other races.


Title- Friend of the goblin race

The title friend of the goblin race has been absorbed in to the title true hero. The title true hero has gained a bonus effect of +1 to charisma, +3 to magic attack, + 5 to agility. 

The user and their party shall receive the benefits from the title- a friend of the goblin race and gain the effect- safe travel in the land of goblins. The user will be seen as any goblin they come in contact with a friend and brother.\' 




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