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Chapter 263 - 263.Heroes Duty

Two slashes came close to Walker but his dance of the wild rabbit skill kicked in giving him the instinctual feeling to twist and turn. He wanted to let fly a fire bolt but the range was too strong. He placed his foot solidly on the ground willing it to create a few spikes. The speed that the ground changed to keep the other three at bay was ten times faster than it normally would have been. The high earth sculpting skill was working perfectly.

The robber tried to slash again but was met with a surprising block. Walker pulled the twin blitz sabers he had gotten in the demi-human kingdom from his inventory. He crossed them and completely stopped the downward slashes from the robber. 

The robber was caught off guard and stumbled backwards. With his own advantage Walker sought to maximize it, he created a purple blurry orb and kept his eyes down. The robber had tried to swing wildly at Walker to by themselves time to recover but found that none of their swings made contact. 

Walker raised one of the sabers the two sabers again and released his chop skill that he had gotten from the demi-human tournament. The robber did not expect his movement to be so fast and tried to dodge, however due to the effect of the blurry orb their body awareness was off. The robber moved in to the chop trying to deflect it. Walkers saber landed on the robbers bare arm cutting deeply. 

The pain solicited a loud groan but the robber attacked with their other hand. Walker again used chop and made contact, completely disarming his opponent. He looked to his side to find that the other three had disappeared after Walked had created the earth spikes. Remey was current;y bending her opponents arm behind their back. The robber struggled in immense pain.

"Ahh, stop stop stop" The bandages moved frantically where the person\'s mouth would be. "Ahhh come on! I give just take the coin. I give!" 

"Remey take this." Walker pulled some rope he had stores away in his inventory on a whim. He had been doing this with the camping gear and other necessities. "Tie him up tight. I will deal with the other one over there.

"You got it, I will tie it tight. Here you take this." Remey tossed a blue and green bag towards Walker. The sound of jingling coins on the inside were clear. 

Walker looked around and saw the robber he had battled bleeding profusely, their breath was short and shallow. He rushed forward not wanting the robber to lose their life when they can explain what just happened with their partner.

\'Defeated low rank member of the stone gang.

100exp multiplied to 1000exp\'

Walker looked at the robber he had battled realizing that he had been too slow to heal him. He stood there stuck in indecision. This was someone from their own kingdom that had just been killed by his hands. But if he had not done anything he would be a victim. This was life or death. How could those other robbers just abandon the others? 

"Young man?" a man\'s voice called out, "Young man? Are you well?" Walker was shaken from his thoughts. He would need to worry about how this all made him feel later. 

"Yes, I should be fine. I just needed to collect my thoughts." Walker looked at a man about his fathers age wearing high end fabrics and holding a walking stick. There was a girl a little older than Walker holding on to the man\'s arm. She was wearing a fine blue dress and had her hair braided down her shoulder. She looked fairly terrified especially since they were standing near a now deceased robber. The very same one that had stolen her bag.

"Thank you so much for your assistance. We were just out for our usual walk when that man came up and demanded out valuables. He said that the stone gang required more fear. I thought they would take my daughter as well. Thankfully they only took my gold and her bag"

The sounds of armor clad footsteps echoed down the street as guards arrived at the scene. They had been called on by someone witnessing the scene out a window. "Walker,The guards have taken the other robber in to custody. I told them what we saw and that we got a quest. They are looking for those other three." Remey punched her fist in to her hand upset that they had let three of them get away. They could cause more trouble now.

"Well Sir, miss, here are your belongings. I\'m glad we were around to help." Walker handed the bag to the man who in turn handed it to the young woman with him.

\'Emergency Quest completer: Robber


The robber must be captured or defeated- compete

Return the young woman\'s bag- complete


50 exp multiplied to 500exp.\'

"You two aren\'t from that hero party are you? The name\'s Omnipotent party if I remember right?" The man had been thinking that these two seemed familiar from the rumors he had heard.

"You got that right, we just happened to be out to get some supplies and received an emergency quest. It is our duty as holders of the hero title to help anyone in need." Remey stood tall spouting all this without shame. She was happy to be living up to the title.

"Really? You\'re serious? I heard you went to the ancient ruins and defeated a horde of undead and then went to the demi-human kingdom and won a tournament, and fought an evil demon, and and…" The young woman grew much more excited at this. 

"Haha, sorry sorry. My daughter is very impressed by what she has heard about you heroes. I promise we will have a talk about keeping her calm." The man apologized fairly embarrassed but his daughter had just broken through the tension of the attack. The fact that the guards were moving away from the robbers body was also part of the broken tension.

"Hello, can I ask you all to give statements on what has happened here? We have a patrol following the remaining assailants and should be apprehending them in haste. We will require your statements for the court." The guard that stood in front of them was very serious and already had a board with papers on it. He was going to record the statements right here so that they could take them directly to their commander.

The four of them gave their statements in no time. The guards had already begun to open the area. They had worked at an incredible pace to clean the spot where the battle was and even gotten rid of the earth spikes Walker had made to keep the three robbers away were already piles of stone and dirt on the side of the road. The teamwork of the guards was not to be underestimated.

"If I remember correctly your party moved in to the old Amethyst mansion correct?" The man made sure to ask them before they left back on their way. 

"Yes that\'s correct." Walker was curious why he had asked.

"I will send my thanks over later. Please feel free to visit the Ronan family general store at any time. We have anything and everything you could need in your daily life. I will let my employees know that you will receive a discount." The man and his daughter headed off down the street. His daughter looked back at them talking fast to her father. 

"I\'ve heard that the Ronan family general store gets items from all over the country. We should stop there one day. Especially if they gift us with a discount." Remey had never been able to shop there since it was within the higher tier housing. But the rumors of the amazing items there were spoken of even in the lower tier. 

"Well wasn\'t that a sight to see." The old man walked up from where he had been standing talking to the guards. He had witnessed the entire scene and gave his own witness report. "Just walking to get some herbs with you two turned in to a show of your hero titles. I guess they are well founded in these titles." The old man had been impressed with how fast the two had reacted. But he could also see the cloud hanging above their heads. 



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