
Chapter 39

‘Overdrive’, which can be used from level 30, was a skill of the buff concept that increased the total ability of the user by 40% .

Kang Chul-In acquired this ability by discovering and exploring an ancient ruin, from the excavation, and since then he has swept into the battlefield as a Sovereign, a powerful force . In other words, Overdrive was the base and source of Kang Chul-In’s armed might .

Kang Chul-In, who activated the overdrive, has nothing to fear . Peacock Dragon? At that moment, it’s just a sandbag!


Kang Chul-In’s fist struck the abdomen of the Peacock Dragon .

– Urgh!

Surprisingly, the giant body of the Peacock Dragon was wobbling .

“Hit and kill . ”

Kang Chul-In did not draw a sword . Only two fists, the Peacock Dragon was ‘crushed’ with bare hands .

Bwak, bwok!

Everytime a simple punch hit the body of the Peacock Dragon, the Peacock Dragon rolled over in the basin with strange sounds . It was a scene that was unbelievably unrealistic and amazing .

“7 seconds . ”

Kang Chul-In remembered the Overdrive’s time limit and rushed his attacks .

Overdrive was a crazy skill that consumed significant quantities of mana per second . Even after eating a Dragon Heart, it was hard to sustain it longer than 10 seconds . He had to finish it during that time .

– Kiieakk!

The Peacock Dragon spread her wings open widely with a strange sound . It was obvious that Kang Chul-In’s attack was so brutal that she tried to fly away to the air .

“Where are you going?”

Kang Chul-In had no intention of releasing the Peacock Dragon .

Kang Chul-In jumped up on the right wing of the Peacock Dragon like a lightning bolt . And he caught the corresponding part of the Peacock Dragon’s shoulder joint .


The red blood burst out while the right wing of the Peacock Dragon was ripped off . Kang Chul-In’s marvelous strength was power that could make your jaw drop, there was no other way to explain it .

Kang Chul-In immediately got off the Peacock Dragon’s back and landed in a good posture, then jumped back towards the crazy Peacock Dragon . All of them happened in only less than two seconds .

“Done . ”

Kang Chul-In knew that there was not much time given .

Soon the mana was about to run out . Now, he had to end it .


The two fists of Kang Chul-In knocked out the Peacock Dragon .


The speed of his fists was the speed of light . Kang Chul-In’s fists were so fast that no one knows how many punches per second he made . They also contained powerful destructive power .

– Kyaaooo!

The Peacock Dragon was unilaterally devastated by the punches of Kang Chul In, which was not suitable for her big body . Even Peacock Dragon was nothing but a mere sandbag in front of Kang Chul-In with overdrive .


For the first time, groaning sound came out of Kang Chul-In’s mouth .


The bandage that Podorski bundled tightly pulled off and the red blood poured out . The dynamic movement made the stitched wound tear .

Kang Chul-In did not let it bother him .

He did not stop even though the blood flowing from his side .

He had the toughness to crush his enemy while ignoring his wound .

“I’m going . ”

By the time the duration of Overdrive was almost over, Kang Chul-in stretched out his fist once for all .


The Peacock Dragon’s body leaned to the side and fell with a heavy sound .


Kang Chul-In leapt off the ground .

– Cluck?

The Peacock Dragon found Kang Chul-In on her back . So she shook her head to throw him off . But Kang Chul-In’s attack ended that .


Kang Chul-In’s fist pierced through the skull of the Peacock Dragon . The spark then sprang up and Kang Chul-In’s remaining mana flowed into the brain of the Peacock Dragon . Intraburst, the technique that ended the male Peacock Dragon was again activated!


The results were the same as before .

Ka-thud .

The Peacock Dragon, which the head was blown apart, became a dead body and laid her enormous body in the basin .

“Huu… huu…”

Kang Chul-In, who walked on the ground, gasped his rough breath .

Swollen muscles, bloody eyes, shaking shoulders, and blood dripping from both hands . Kang Chul-In now was like a beast, an angry beast .


Lucia ran towards Kang Chul-In .

“I, I was worried . Sob . . ! My Lord… . sob . . sob…!”

Lucia, who ran to Kang Chul-In’s embrace, sobbing and wailing . In just 10 seconds, she felt her heart choked and stomped endlessly .

“Stop . . Get off me . ”

On the other hand, Kang Chul-In was burdened and felt like he was dying because of Lucia, who suddenly come to his embrace . Lucia’s weight was unbearable for him who had been completely exhausted . He could have collapsed .

“I’m okay . ”

Kang Chul-In pushed Lucia slightly and stood firmly on his legs .

“Gen… General… you won . ”

“Such a monster… How could you to that huge monster…”

“Win… We won!”

“Waaaa! General!!”


The adventurers jumped in towards Kang Chul-In .

“Damn . ”

For Kang Chul-In, the flocking adventurers who gathered like dogs were more pressuring than the dead Peacock Dragon, but he could not run away . Now it was really the time for him to rest .

So, the hunting of the Peacock Dragon came to an end .


Kang Chul-In did not return quickly .

Kang Chul-In knew that if you started anything, you should finish it well .

The return of Kang Chul-In and the adventurers was very relaxed and calm .

First, they had to move the Peacock Dragon’s body .

Kang Chul-In sent Podorski to Laputa to call up eight large wagons and loaded the dead bodies of the Peacock Dragons .

Unfortunately, except for the Dragon Heart, the dead body of the female Peacock Dragon had little value, so it was divided into two pieces to be loaded to two large wagon .

By the way… When the female’s belly had been sliced open, there were three big eggs that surprised everyone . Kang Chul-In ordered the adventurers to take care of the eggs well . Peacock Dragon’s eggs had a lot of uses .

Compared to the females, the male Peacock Dragon’s body was treated better .

The expensive and colorful feather that reached 12 meters, was the symbol of the Peacock Dragon hunting by Kang Chul-In . Even if only to show off the dignity of the Sovereign to the people, the body of the male Peacock Dragon had to be fully preserved . Because of that, Podorski had to sew together all the pieces of the Peacock Dragon’s head that was blown apart .

“Where are we going?”

Billy asked Podorski, who was carrying the body of the male Peacock Dragon .

“I go to my homeland . Go back to your hometown after a rest for a few days . ”

“To your homeland? Is there any place for a person to live?”

“You’ll know if you go . ”

For the Sovereign Class, their existence is unknown to the public and there was no way for them to know about it .

It was the same for the other adventurers, but Kang Chul-In and other people of Laputa just responded the same, you will know when you go . Because Kang Chul-In’s instructions said that rather than explain it in detail it would be better if they see, hear, and feel it by themselves .

“Lucia . ”

While taking care of the Peacock Dragon’s body, Kang Chul-In called Lucia secretly .

“Wash it off . ”


Lucia’s face grew hot .

“I… Lord… Uh, how…”


“I…I… still… . ”

Because she seemed to have misunderstood something, Kang Chul-In explained what he wanted exactly with his eyes closed .

“Just literally like what I said, let’s wash it . ”


“I can’t return with this beggar-look . ”


It was Kang Chul-In, whose name became the Triumphant Sovereign . Considering the crowds, there was a need to return in a clean appearance .

“My body still doesn’t work well . So, I need help . If you feel uncomfortable, I will ask Podorski or Billy . ”

“Oh, no no! I will do it!”

“Then, please . ”

“Yes . . My Lord”

Kang Chul-In and Lucia found a stream nearby .

“I just need you to wash my upper body only, so don’t worry . ”

Kang Chul-In, who said that, took off the coat he was wearing .

“Haaa… . . ”

Lucia, who saw it, can only moan inside (she clamped her mouth shut) .

Kang Chul-In’s body was beautiful . Also, it was like a sculpture .

The white broad shoulders, the rock-hard abs, the muscles which are not too small nor big, just the right size, and moreover the inverted triangle make his body perfectly balanced . Kang Chul-In’s body has the charm that make any woman can only see it in awe .

“Lucia . ”

“…… . ”


“…yes? Lord? did you call me?”

“What are you thinking so deeply like that?”

“Ah, no, sir . ”

“Please help me start from the wound site . ”

“Yes, Lord . ”

Lucia hid her shamed and embarrassed feeling and quickly moved her hands to touch Kang Chul-In’s wound .

She removed the bandages that was soaked with blood, poured the potion, added the regenerative power to the wound, cleaned it with cloth, and covered it with the new bandage . A series of processes just as good as any doctor or nurse .

“Lord, the blood still… . !”

“Cover it with more bandage . ”

“Alright . ”

Finally, after she bandaged it several times then the blood barely stopped .

“Don’t you feel hurt? How can you not let out even a moan?”

“This kind of wound . . was nothing at all . ”


“it’s not amazing . Next please wash my hair and face . ”

“Yes, Lord . ”

Kang Chul-In was able to finish cleaning himself with Lucia’s help .

“In black . ”

Kang Chul-In shook his head when Lucia was trying to hand over the white clothes .

“Pardon? Since you have been victorious, of course it is the pure white clothes… . ”

“Are you going to let the people see the blood?”


“No one should be aware of my injuries . ”

“How come you think so far?”

“The Sovereign that reveals his weakness, is not more than a third-rate . Even if I die tomorrow, I have to look good today, that is the weight in life that a Sovereign has to bear . ”


In his remarks, Lucia once again realized that Kang Chul-In was extraordinary .

“Indeed, my Lord is really a Sovereign to the bone . ”

Kang Chul-In’s words were the word that usually could be said by a king .

It was an opportunity to make Lucia fully trust (though she already believed it) Kang Chul-In’s words, he who was the Overlord in the past .


Kang Chul-In said that he would take care of the bodies of the dead adventurers neatly and give them a brief funeral at Laputa .

He also promised to give some compensations to the bereaved families when he returned to Earth .

The adventurers were impressed and satisfied with Kang Chul-In’s meticulous care .

No one complained .

It was purely their choice to join the Peacock Dragon hunting and not because there was a push or threat by Kang Chul-In .

“Let’s go . ”

Kang Chul-In, who had been cleaned, turned to Laputa .


Podorski shouted .

The procession began to continue .

Kang Chul-In led the way, Lucia stood in a position slightly behind him . After that, two tiers of the adventurers followed up .

Kang Chul-In led the wagon carrying the bodies of the Peacock Dragons which were brought by 10 soldiers and 4 bulls, in addition, he was escorted by 20 soldiers lined up on both sides .

“Lord, are you alright?”

“I’m fine . Don’t mind me . ”

Lucia was worried about Kang Chul-In, but Kang Chul-In maintained his dignity like a frozen statue without as much as an eyebrow twitching . It was impossible to find traces of injury from that look .

The travel time was not long .

It takes about 2 hours to walk from Cyprus Forest to the destination, and the party was able to arrive at the entrance gate of Laputa soon .


“Where are you going?”

“Is there any place could be the General’s place?”

The adventurers shook their heads .

“Lucia, go and get my soul core”


Lucia flew away and disappeared somewhere at Kang Chul-In’s command .


“ . …!”

The adventurers were surprised .

Since Lucia suddenly disappeared in front of them, they were like that .

Lucia came back in less than 10 minutes and handing a luxurious sword to Kang Chul-In . It was the main controller of Laputa, the Soul Core .

Kang Chul-In, the owner of the Soul Core, slightly looked around the adventurers . The adventurers were bewildering because they do not know how things are going now .

“They seemed shocked . ”

While thinking like that, Kang Chul-In released the hide function of the land using Soul Core .


Total maintenance time: 467 hours .

Total maintenance cost: 233 . 5 gold (0 . 5 gold per hour)

Do you want to deactivate the hide function? (Yes / No)? Yes


As soon as he press ‘Yes’, 233 . 5 gold in the inventory disappeared in a moment, and the land’s hidden function was immediately deactivated .

Phajik, Phajijik!

The shroud that surrounded the land began to unravel, and the appearance of Laputa from the top of the Sky Fortress gradually began to show up .

“Wooww… . !”

“What, what is that…!”

The pupils of the adventurers, who looked at all of that, widened .

And… from the inside of the land, a thunderous applause and cheers burst out .

It was fun!

Author’s words

I give thanks to all readers who showed patience . Now for the time being, there is no monster hunting . Although there is a very important dungeon exploration event . . that will be the story after the episode ‘East Plain Battle’


Previous Chapter 38 . Awakening, Kang Chul-In! War Machine, Lucia!


Next Chapter 40 . Triumphant Sovereign Kang Chul-In!

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