
Chapter 1522 - The wishing candle!

Chapter 1522: The wishing candle!

Boss was sweating bullets from all over his body.

One of his hands was pierced by the Lord of Infinite Origins’ tentacle, while the other was pressed on the ice crystal on the ground.

A thick layer of crimson blood had surrounded him, continuously flowing like it was sentient.

Gu Qing Shan saw this, so he asked in a low voice: “What is it doing?”

Boss replied: “It’s evaluating my latent potential”

Gu Qing Shan was speechless.

Deep inside the ice crystal, there was a mysterious entity that was able to create the Lord of Infinite Origins with a single pool of blood, as well as the entire world later on.

It did that in order to fight the Apocalypse.

Gu Qing Shan understood this.

Boss must have gotten an opportunity that no one knows about that allowed him to communicate with such an entity.

The blood briefly entered Boss’ body, then came out again, continued to circle around him, and then finally, after a long while of evaluation, the blood entered the black tentacle and disappeared without a trace.

“Successful?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Boss was still shaking nonstop, but nodded to him and said: “Now is finally the beginning”

Crimson threads of blood emerged from deep underground and attached themselves to his body.

Without waiting for Gu Qing Shan to ask, he quickly explained: “I will now begin to invade the Lord of Infinite Origins’ core and gradually replace him. This will be an extremely dangerous process, do not let anyone disturb me”

Gu Qing Shan, Scarlet, and Little Dusk all nodded.

Boss glanced at Gu Qing Shan a bit and sent his voice: “Both the Lord of Infinite Origins and I will now both enter an unguarded state. Any entity with the divine attribute would now have a chance to devour me and the Lord of Infinite Origins——-”

“Gu Qing Shan, you need to guard me well and ensure that no one noticed my current state, otherwise, it’ll all be over”

Gu Qing Shan’s heart felt heavy, then sent his voice: “I understand”

Boss nodded and closed his eyes.

——-only the Lord of Infinite Origins would be able to hold up the entire Pantheon ruins.

With this prerequisite in place, even if Gu Qing Shan and Reneedol’s combined powers were able to kill the Lord of Infinite Origins, they would still not dare try.

Because killing him meant pushing themselves to certain death as well.

Whether or not Boss would be able to replace the other party was the key to their continued survival.

Thinking this through, Gu Qing Shan instantly began thinking.

——-how should I guard Boss?

The Deities fighting in the sky, even Reneedol herself, are all entities with the Divine attribute!

It would be best to prevent them from seeing Boss’ current state.

If that’s the case...

Gu Qing Shan reached his hand into his chest and took out a candle.

Lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Causality Law Artifact: The Wishing Candle]

[Single-use tool]

[A Divine Artifact with the Radiance attribute, it contains a wishing Causality power]

[When you make a wish to the candle, your wish would definitely fail]

[Usage: Light it on fire, pray, then blow it out]

[Attention: This candle has very limited power, if you want your wish to fail, you must act in accordance with the candle’s requirements]

As there wasn’t much time, Gu Qing Shan skimmed through the usage description, then lit the candle right away.

It began to give off a small bit of light.

A line of glowing text quickly appeared on the War God UI:

[Please begin to pray!]

Gu Qing Shan closed his eyes and prayed: “Boss’ current state would be discovered by people other than myself, Scarlet, and Little Dusk”


The entire candle was burnt away almost instantly.

Radiant flames arranged themselves in the void of space to form a line of text:

[You must draw the attention of all the Deities here for the candle to silently activate its Causality Law and cause your wish to fail]

The text swiftly disappeared after it fully manifested.

Gu Qing Shan continued staring at the air with a surprised expression.

——-in truth, this made sense.

If every Deity had their attention drawn by something else, then the Wishing Candle would be able to silently affect them through its Causality much more easily.

This would naturally ensure that they couldn’t discover Boss’ current state.

How should I do that?


Boss abruptly uttered a pained grunt as a bloody glow radiated from his body.

Gu Qing Shan’s expression changed and abruptly looked up at the sky.

Reneedol continued to command her subordinates to fight against the numerous Deities that surrounded her.

The battle was currently in an intense state, so no one paid any attention to Boss just yet.

Suddenly, another flash of bloody light appeared from Boss’ body.

This flash of light was over three meters in height, while it quickly disappeared, it would still easily draw attention.

Boss is too eye-catching like this; he will be noticed sooner or later.

Scarlet couldn’t help but suggest: “How about I use the flames of Death to completely obscure the situation here?”

“No, that would only draw even more attention” Gu Qing Shan immediately said.

Little Dusk drew a total of twelve Cards before displaying one of them to Gu Qing Shan.

The Card depicted the portrait of a woman who hid her face behind a mask.

“[The Friendly Mask], it can display a scene in the past to everyone” Little Dusk explained.

“That’s usable!” Gu Qing Shan said.

Little Dusk threw the Card forward.

Instantly, the four of them were enveloped by a vision.

If someone observed them from outside, they would find that the four of them were standing around, apparently discussing something.

——–this was the scene of when Reneedol had just charged into the sky and the four of them were still talking.

“This is great, how long can this Card last?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“One minute” Little Dusk stuck out her tongue apologetically.

“...” Gu Qing Shan.

One minute is definitely not enough!

It seems I’ll have to do as the candle said and personally step out to draw the attention of the Deities.

...how should I approach this?

Gu Qing Shan leapt into the sky, transformed into the Demon Dragon clad in black flames, then flew up high.

The black Demon Dragon flashed a few times and arrived at a place even higher than where the Deities were fighting.

He shouted to everyone below:

「 Silence! Silence! Listen to me— 」

The Deities on the two sides continued to fight without paying any attention to him.

Only a Deity with a blank expression mocked him: 「 I am the legendary Might Deity, why should I listen to you? 」

After that, he stopped minding the black dragon and attacked one of Reneedol’s subordinates.

Hearing that, the black dragon was a bit surprised.


The black Demon Dragon took a deep breath, opened its jaws and blew a grand mass of dragon’s breath below.

The Deities on the two sides avoided the dragon’s breath, then continued to fight without caring about him.

“Stop making a mess!” Reneedol took some time to glare at him and coldly said: “You’re so weak, just go around and fight a few Deities at a time, the middle of the battlefield isn’t the place for you to be”

After saying so, she rushed towards a group of five Deities.

「 ... 」the black Demon Dragon.

This time, he was truly shocked.

He opened the War God UI, accessed [War God Titles], chose the Title [Reality’s Most Amorous Man], then instantly activated the Title Skill——– [That makes sense]!

[That makes sense: Because of your unparalleled amorous charm, when you talk with other people, can you use this Mystic-type ability to make everyone you talk to feel like you make sense]

[Attention: This Title Skill can only be used once a day]

The black Demon Dragon took a deep breath, then shouted to all the Deities below:

「 You damned maggots, the entire Pantheon ruins is about to collapse and you’re still fighting. Why not deal with those things crushing the Pantheon ruins first and then fight!? Are you afraid you’ve already reconciled or something? 」

All the Deities slowly stopped.

「 That makes sense 」 one of the Deities looked at the black dragon and said.

「 Hm, even if we fought now, what good would it even do if we won? 」another Deity commented.

「 Even if we continued to fight, the results are already clear, it would only ensure mutual destruction, then why continue? 」another Deity also said.

Reneedol muttered to herself: “That’s true, even if I defeat the Lord of Infinite Origins, I wouldn’t dare to kill him, why not wait until the outside situation is resolved before I fight him?”

The battle ended abruptly just like that.

——after a few minutes, the Deities with black tentacles attached to their heads all froze.

They looked up in unison towards the black Demon Dragon in the sky.

「 What surprising power, almost stripping away my control over the Deities, how did you do that? 」all the Deities spoke up at once.

——the one speaking right now was the Lord of Infinite Origins!

The black Demon Dragon realized right away, but since his current duty was to attract everyone’s attention, he would naturally not lose a beat.

「 Erm... it’s a very long story, in truth, this is a unique Title Ability 」the black Demon Dragon replied.

「 Oh? What is a Title Ability? 」the Lord of Infinite Origins borrowed the mouths of the Deities and asked.

The black Demon Dragon’s heart jumped a bit.


So then, the concept of Title Skills doesn’t exist yet?

He turned to Reneedol and saw that she also appeared interested and listened seriously.

Regardless of who it was, as long as they were a Combatant who pursued strength, they wouldn’t be able to help themselves seeking out the origin of a power they’ve never seen before.

And at this moment, both the Lord of Infinite Origins and Reneedol were being attracted by this new power.

The black Demon Dragon’s mind quickly turned.

Although [That makes sense] was ruined by the Lord of Infinite Origins who wasn’t within the range of the ability, I’ve managed to draw everyone’s attention, so I can’t slip up like a car out of fuel right now.

——–Boss is still silently removing the Lord of Infinite Origins’ insurance on the ground.

I need to buy him time!

The black Demon Dragon took another deep breath and explained:

「 It’s a very long story to explain what a Title Skill was——- 」

「 The reason I found this ability was because of my personal experience 」

「 A long time ago, I climbed out from a pile of dead corpses, when I happened to see a patrolman carrying a lantern... 」

「 ...That captain then grinned at me and told me to die, after which he swung his blade to cut me down... 」

「 Wait a minute, we seemed to not be talking about the Title Skill 」the Lord of Infinite Origins commented.

「 We’re getting there soon 」the black dragon immediately glossed it over.

He continued:

「 After that, I met two people, one of them was called Gong Sun Zhi, the other was Ning Yue Chan... 」

「 I went to the Bai Hua sect to ask for help and saw a goose standing on top of a rock, telling people to make a poem... 」

「 After that, I began to cultivate. I have a senior brother who couldn’t be bothered with cultivating, but made really good meals... 」

「 In our place, the Apocalypses weren’t particularly powerful, so we all enjoyed cultivating, but he liked to go to brothels... 」

“Stop!” Reneedol couldn’t help but cut in, “Can you just get to the point, what exactly is a Title Skill?”

The black Demon Dragon glared at her and said: 「 I said I’m getting there, what are you in a hurry for? 」

Reneedol could only calm herself a bit.

Another long while of talking later.

「 And then... 」

「 During the semester examination, someone bullied my junior sister... don’t you think that’s detestable? 」

「 So I naturally couldn’t endure it, can you guess what I did next? 」

“「 ENOUGH!!! 」”

The Lord of Infinite Origins and Reneedol both lost all of their patience and furiously shouted.

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