
Chapter 1256 - Secret of Deific Authorities

Chapter 1256: Secret of Deific Authorities

Gu Qing Shan grunted as he attacked.

The faint yellow glow of Samsara derivative power vanished from his body.

The burning flames on the beast hide gloves seemed to have been stimulated by something as they abruptly receded into an intense light.

At this point, the apocalyptic monster was still a few hundred meters away.

From afar, Gu Qing Shan unleashed his attack.

——he simply threw a punch with all his power, striking the void of space.

In an instant, the sound of billions of howling souls abruptly halted.

Several hundred meters away, the apocalyptic monster maintained its forward-moving posture without actually being able to move forward.

It was frozen in place.

The souls all over its body also fell into a blank state.

One breath’s worth of time passed.

The monster that carried the mission to destroy all things remained completely still.

Only the sound of howling wind could be heard in this world.

Gu Qing Shan pulled his fist back, hovering in mid-air.

——this was the first strike of [Ethereal – Mountain fist], [Grand Mountain].

[Grand Mountain: Thought-destroying fist, an attack that ignores spatial distance, those struck by it would have their thoughts destroyed, their minds becoming blank]

[Unless damaged, this state will persist for 10 breaths’ worth of time. After 10 breaths, those affected will feel as if they’ve just snapped out of a dream]

A single punch was able to destroy the thought of the apocalyptic monster as well as billions of its imprisoned souls.

This first strike alone was already enough for Gu Qing Shan to see what kind of power a so-called Samsara Mystery fist technique held!

Everyone on the city wall behind him had just realized what happened.

The sound of cheering erupted.

Li Qiu Yu was anxious and nervous, so she loudly called out: “Hurry, seize this moment and quickly attack it, San Lang!”

Li Chun Dao put his Blade away, then whistled loudly.

Zhao Qiong was originally an introverted person, so she simply covered her mouth with her hands along with tears streaming down her face, unable to utter a single word.

Wang Shun propped his sword on the ground to barely stand, shouting with all his strength: “Li San Lang! Kill it!”

Following this shout, everyone’s voice on the city wall gradually became unified.

They all erupted into the same cheer:

“Li San Lang! Kill it!”

“Li San Lang! Kill it!”

“Li San Lang! Kill it!”

Gu Qing Shan hovered in the air, listening to the urging voices of those behind him, and couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

Seven breaths’ worth of time left.

Easily enough!

Gu Qing Shan clenched his fist tightly, then flew up high.

He continued flying upwards all the way until he reached the head of the apocalyptic monster.

From afar, everyone could only see the small, grain-like figure standing in front of the monster’s head that was as big as a city as he unleashed a single punch.

As they were standing too far away, this punch seemed extremely mundane, to the point that it didn’t make a sound.

However, as soon as Li San Lang unleashed his strike, he immediately turned around and started flying back.

Everyone looked at him, then at the monster.

——–the monster maintained its previous posture, still motionless.

It didn’t seem to have received any injuries.

Was that... it?

Suddenly, Li Chun Dao’s eyebrows twitch and furiously shout: “San Lang, be careful behind you!”

Everyone turned their gazes to see that the monster abruptly started moving behind Li San Lang.

It took a step forward, waving the chain of souls on its hand to catch Li San Lang.

「 Your fate is... destruction... 」

The monster’s low voice resounded throughout the world.

“Run away!”

“Quickly avoid it!”


Everyone shouted anxiously.

However, Li San Lang continued flying through the sky at a stable pace, not too fast, not too slow.

Although it might feel slow, it was actually very fast, the apocalyptic monster’s chains wrapped around Li San Lang!

——but Li San Lang wasn’t encumbered at all, continuing to fly forward.

As the chain of souls passed through Li San Lang’s body, it scattered into countless sprites of light and faded into the void of space.

Following that, the apocalyptic monster’s body also started to scatter into billions of tiny blue orbs of light.

「 No... 」

With a resounding low shout, the apocalyptic monster collapsed to its knee.

Propping both hands on the ground to hold itself up, its entire body started collapsing and disappearing.

The billions of light orbs turned into a torrent of blue light that danced in the sky before descending in front of Li San Lang.

It circled for a long time around Li San Lang without disappearing.

Li San Lang remained in mid-air.

The countless souls within the torrent of blue light appeared one by one, whether they were male or female, old or young, each of them smiled, nodded, and bid him farewell.

The souls had been released.

Li San Lang declared: “Go, go to where you should be”

The souls all nodded, then once again rejoined the torrent of blue light.

A few moments later, the blue torrent of souls slowly broke through the void of space and left this world.

Li San Lang uttered a short sigh.

That attack just now was the second strike of the Mystery fist technique, [Ethereal – No Pardon]

[No Pardon: This strike can break all magic, all tangible, incorporeal, illusory, real, all things, and all living beings. Everything shall shatter and return to Primal Chaos]

[Before activating ‘No Pardon’, you must first score a hit on your opponent]

[Attention: if your opponent is at least twice as strong as you are, the power of this strike will be gradually weakened, unable to completely destroy your enemy]

Gu Qing Shan thought to himself.

That apocalyptic monster just now could have been stopped by Li Chun Dao and Wang Shun at their peak states.

So any sword strike I could unleash would be enough to stop that monster as well.

However, since I currently need a proper identity, I used this chance to unleash this strike as Li San Lang.

The results were about the same as expected.

I didn’t even need to use [Ethereal – Myriad Shadows] and [Ethereal – Null Tribulation], only the first two strikes were already more than enough to completely decimate this apocalyptic monster.

There was also an advantage to [No Pardon], that it was incredibly similar to [Inch Desolation].

——but it was significantly stronger than [Inch Desolation].

If that’s the case, that Samsara Chief War Shaman’s fist technique was weaker compared to mine.

Meaning, the Deific Authority it corresponded to should have been weaker than mine as well.

After all, [Ethereal] required a Samsara Deific Authority to determine the power of the fist technique.

But that’s a bit strange...

I’m merely a Deity of Huang Quan, while that human-headed snake entity managed to obtain a Chief War Shaman position in the Samsara as a whole, shouldn’t its Deific Authority have been higher than mine?


Gu Qing Shan silently asked in his mind: “Shannu, I have a question, was the Samsara Mountain God’s authority even higher than the Huang Quan Devil King’s authority?”

Shannu replied:

“Gongzi, as you know, the Grand Tie Wei Mountain was the divine mountain that protected the entire Samsara, blocking out the Winds of Chaotic Tribulation as well as everything else, otherwise the living beings of the Samsara would be destroyed by the outer calamities”

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

That really is the case.

Just like during my journey to the secret passage to the Dusty World, there was a region full of Winds of Chaotic Tribulation, devoid of all living beings. I had no choice but to go around it.

But the Grand Tie Wei Mountain is able to completely block out this wind of all-destruction.

Thinking back even further, during the battle of Huang Quan, the Abyssal Saint Armament, Abaddon, was able to destroy every entity in Huang Quan, only helpless to do anything against the Grand Tie Wei Mountain.

During that battle, the Grand Tie Wei Mountain was a crucial part of our victory.

If that’s the case...

“Shannu, perhaps the Grand Tie Wei Mountain didn’t exist only for Huang Quan... perhaps the Samsara Mountain God is a Deific Authority that protects the entire cycle of reincarnation?” Gu Qing Shan asked

“That should be the case, but I don’t really know for sure either. After all, in the distant past when I reawakened, I only knew the Devil King Warden Rod and the Forgetting River Soul Flaying Hook. At the time, we only knew about what happened in Huang Quan” Shannu replied.

Gu Qing Shan slightly nodded.

He continued flying back, quickly landing on the city wall, and stood in front of Li Chun Dao and the rest.

Seeing him, everyone smiled.

“What kind of fist technique was that?” Wang Shun asked first.

“A Mystery-grade fist technique of the Samsara” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Samsara? Mystery-grade fist technique?” the bigshots turned to Zhao Qiong.

She was the Head Bookkeeper, her knowledge far surpassed anyone else, whether it be related to the Samsara or not.

Not to mention, with so many Combatants reaching the Divine Reflection stage in the past, everyone had already researched the appropriate knowledge and made many recordings of it.

This wasn’t a very big secret.

Zhao Qiong replied: “To be called a ‘Mystery’, it should be among the strongest of those that reach the Divine Reflection stage”

“No wonder you didn’t even bother turning around, but did you think you could get away scot-free after worrying us like that?” Li Chun Dao said.

Gu Qing Shan was surprised, sensing some trouble ahead.

“Hey, what are you trying to do?”

A second later.

Li Chun Dao waved his hand.

Everyone around rushed forward, lifted Li San Lang into the air, and tossed him up.


“We have a new powerhouse!”


“A single person defeated an apocalyptic monster!”

“Well done!”

Everyone cheered.

Gu Qing Shan was tossed several more times but only smiled helplessly during the process.

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