
Chapter 338

Chapter 338: 338

I was analyzing each and every word he was speaking and actions he was performing. I know a few things to determine if a person was being untruthful or hiding something but it was not as good as Kaley or her mom. My methods were stemming from my own experience and research on it by attending classes, reading books, and watching how the professionals do it themselves.

Mr. Cuervo was telling the truth.

“He doesn’t care what happens to anyone or even himself as long as the rules are being followed. The only thing I’m not sure is how far do his people follow it? Is it the same as him or is it something else? What about his wife? Do the rules also apply to her? If that’s the case, that means that this place is a safe haven for every one good or bad. This place is something good and bad at the same time.” I thought to myself.

“Mr. Ishiyama, something on your mind? Don’t keep it in, we should talk to each other like we’re open books. That’s the key to a good relationship, yes?” Mr. Cuervo said.

“Is that so?” I replied.

“Yes. You could lie to me but it will just dampen our relationship. But, everything that’s coming out of my mouth has never been a lie. My key to my success is following the rules of the world and the rules I’ve placed on myself and my people. That’s why this place is alive! Can you see what I’m seeing? If everyone in the world just followed the rules, what a world could ours have turned out.” he lit a cigar.

“Can you tell me what you used to do? Before all this?” I asked.

“Ah, the usual stuff all the previous champions have asked me. What do you think? Don’t worry, use stereotypes as much as possible! It’s one of the floating rules of this place!” Mr. Cuervo chuckled.

“Huge gated community, lot’s of associates from other high-end places, police force on payroll, f.u.c.k.i.n.g rich, guards equipped with automatic weapons, entertainers for hire, and lastly… part Latino-” I was about to finish my sentence but he stopped me.

“Just say Mexican for f.u.c.ks sake- oh, go on, hah! I think you’re really~ close. Let me tell you, no one has guessed correctly yet!” Mr. Cuervo’s smile was bright.

“You’re part of the Mexican cartel in this country, well, what it used to be. The president has been at war with the drug trade here ever since he won the election and just three years in, all the ‘known’ major players were killed. It wasn’t stopped completely but the series of killings significantly slowed down the business. The only question I haven’t figured out yet is what is the exact ‘part’ do you play in as but I have a few ideas without proof. However, I’m sure you’re 100% part of it.” I explained

“Magnifico! That head of yours is as valuable as your fighting prowess, maybe even better! Can you at least give a guess? I bet you could do it!” Mr. Cuervo was ecstatic.

“Sure, there are a few things in my mind. Being a snitch is out of the question because of how you conduct yourself and I know Mexicans don’t flip. Being a major distributor while having huge parties like this even before this shit started is too much heat, and too idiotic. Your people in the business work smart and you’re always at the top of your game. Sooner or later, people would start to ask questions if you continue like that while still in the business. However, if you’re not a major distributor, why is the police force on your payroll and you have a f.u.c.kton of guns with guards watching this place 24/7?” I started.

“Go on…” Mr. Cuervo was nodding a few times with the same smile.

“My guess is you used to be one and got out with a deal. You formed your own place here and your source of income is not drugs anymore but a combination of something legit and something that is not. You already know the way around the police force and the president won’t give a f.u.c.k at what you’re doing as long as it’s not drugs because it was his main focus when he got elected. Well, we know that nobody gets out completely so those associates of yours are probably getting something from you. What I’m thinking is your role is to advise and vet people in this place while acting as some sort of a middleman for your past bosses.” I concluded.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You really are one of a kind hermano!!! Yeah, I used to sell the blue stuff. You know my story, can you tell me what’s yours? I’m very excited to know what was the life you were living before all this. Please, do tell me!” Mr. Cuervo was so happy he offered me a drink and a cigar from his own private collection.

“Me? Oh, I sell rice.” I replied with a blank face.

*jazz music stops*

As soon as I said that, Mr. Cuervo, Cynthia, Ben, Jerry, Irene, and Ilya almost choked to death from shock. Kaley and Tatiana took damage as well but they were dying from holding their laughter in. I on the other hand was maintaining the same facial expression before downing the glass and pocketing the cigar.

“I’m not gonna decline this shit since it’s f.u.c.k.i.n.g Cuban. I wonder what Matthew or Oscar would give me for this if I bring this back? Will I receive a box from my winnings? I bet I’ll get a couple or more. I might get that MK1- well, I’m not even sure if he really has that though…” I thought to myself, oblivious from what was happening.

Mr. Cuervo coughed for a couple of times while adjusting his tie before he spoke once more.

“That is… interesting. I found it really surprising but you’re telling the truth aren’t you, hermano?” Mr. Cuervo asked.

“Yeah, and groceries.” I replied once more with the same facial expression.

*jazz player died of dysentery*

Mr. Cuervo’s mustache twitched a few times but looking closely at me, he was convinced that I was telling the truth. He rubbed his forehead with his hand that was holding his cigar then he chuckled. He was shaking his head with a smile and he poured himself another glass.

“Okay, I believe you. But tell me, how come you are… like that? The swords, the guns, the skills, the team, everything! I’m sorry but I’m just a curious man. Could you at least explain that for me hermano? I for sure thought you were a samurai or something completely different!” Mr. Cuervo placed his elbows over the table.

“Hah! Well, being a samurai can’t be a day job. Let’s just say that I’ve been preparing for something like this happening even with the possibility of it not happening at all. Have you watched Doomsday Preppers?” I asked.

“AHH! That f.u.c.k.i.n.g show that vato Enrique likes to watch! I see, I see. Now I f.u.c.k.i.n.g get it why he’s telling me that he wants to build a f.u.c.k.i.n.g catapult dios mio~ Well, the funds should come from something to build the foundation so what better way to do business is to sell the most consumed thing here eh? I respect that hermano. Come on, drink some more with me!” he poured me another one and we toasted.

“I think I’ll watch it in my spare time which is every day, hahaha!!! Someone must’ve forgotten to tell me this Muerto thing was gonna be boring day and night! Good thing I have my games and my wife to play with- oh shit~ pendejo~ you didn’t hear that last part!” Mr. Cuervo suddenly looked around with a frightened expression.

“Veronica is gonna kill me if she hears that-! Aiyayai~” Mr. Cuervo muttered before calming down.

Mr. Cuervo started to rub his glabella while glancing at me and the others. He said, “Well, is there anything else we could talk about?”

“Okay, you’ve been straight with me, I’ll be straight with you. However, what I’m about to tell you is something that I’m guessing that you, or any of your associates have no idea about.” I started.

“What do you mean?” Mr. Cuervo’s expression turned serious.

“Answer me one thing first, you and those associates of yours, you don’t have contact anywhere besides this region, right? Even Mexico or any part of the world?” I replied while staring deeply into his eyes.

Mr. Cuervo paused while staring back and said, “Yes, they’re all that’s left. No one’s returning my calls from Mexico. It’s either they’re too preoccupied or the people from my old life were all dead.”

“Figures.” I thought to myself.

“This place of yours would be gone the moment the ones my team was facing comes over here. Those thousand that I faced earlier? You’d wish that was the final trial but it isn’t. You have been getting the easy ones but they will come. Before I tell you any of it, I wish to talk to you alone first.” I said in a grim tone.

“Come with me. Jerry, thank you for the time and please tell Martinez to escort our other guests to their rooms or to tend to their needs while Mr. Ishiyama and I talk privately.” Mr. Cuervo said as he motioned for me to follow him.

I thought he was gonna lead me to his office but we went down a series of stairs.

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