
Chapter 278 - Mutated Eggs?!

Chapter 278 – Mutated Eggs?!

Fan Xui gripped his hand and rushed out of the barracks. A few soldiers and commanders called for him but he just waved at them and ran out.

Running behind him, Yue chuckled softly. "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"It\'s.. been too long," he mumbled softly.

"hmm mnn. It has."

The last time they did it was actually on a hospital bed. It was cramped and small. The next day he had a bad backache and a neck ache.

\'This time we can actually do it on a proper bed.\'

By the time he realized it they were already close to their home.

"Wait a bit. I\'ll talk to my parents and we shall head to your house."

Fan Xui pouted. "Okay."

Yue ran to the door and knocked on it.

The door opened immediately. Ragged-looking mum stood there. "Yue!" she hugged him tight. "why.. Why didn\'t you come home last night? Do you know how worried I was?"

"I was at the barrack. I got tired and kind of slept off. Sorry." he gently patted her back.

Her shoulders were trembling slightly.

"Are you cold mum?"

"No, I\'m good," she tried to smile at him, but the worry on her face was apparent.

"Mum, I\'m strong. No one can do anything to me.."\' he confidently whispered just to assure her.

Only after that did her trembling shoulders soften up.

"Come in, I\'ve made you breakfast. You to Fan come in" She rushed him and Fan Xui in.

Fan Xui leaned low and whispered. "You\'re not going to tell your family/"

"They\'ll only worry unnecessarily." He whispered back.


"Baby if I tell them they won\'t allow me to stay over at your place. Do you want that?" he glanced up at him, winking.

Fan Xui gulped. "Don\'t tell them.

Yue chuckled and nodded. His eyes fell upon the willow tree that was happily shaking about. The pea plant was wrapped around it and they both seem harmonious together.

The only regret was that he lost all four of the other fruiting trees that day. he really wanted to go and pick them. There is a possibility that they might get picked up by others.

He did not have the energy to use space ability today. So he just gave them up.

The willow tree shook her branches

On one of its branched Blackie was resting so calmly.

Below by its roots the chicken and the quails were resting. There were even a few eggs laid beside it.

It was a weird sight actually.

"Mum, have they laid eggs outside before?"

"The quails? No, they only lay in their nesting box. Why is there something wrong?"

Yue walked over to the tree.

Its branches stiffened up.

"Calm down I\'m not here to take it," he squatted down and picked up the eggs. These eggs had a red stripe on the top. It was completely different than the last egg he saw.

"Do you have the previous quail eggs? Can you show me?" he ran to the kitchen with the egg carefully held in his palm.

"Sure.." she hesitantly took out a basket of quails eggs from under the counter. "your dad told me not to cook the yet…"

The eggs were all only dusted with red freckles. The new batch had a full red stripe on the top. Just like the quails and the chicken and Blackie.

Every animal in this household had a black stripe.

Except for Trexa….

\'Something is causing this change.. but what?\' he peered at the willow tree. Only this was the new mutant in their home.

As well as there was the fact that the tree had a huge chunk of virus-infected meteor stuck to its root.

"Wait the rock." He ran to the willow tree.

This time it protectively lowered it\'s branched and hid it\'s roots

"I\'m not going to steal anything," he told it again.

The spot that quails had laid was quite close to the meteor rock.

\'so the rock was chasing these mutations?\'

"are these eggs fertilized?"

His mum shrugged. "There is a male quail with them but I\'m not sure if they are.. bring it here. I\'ll check them for you."

He ran back with all the eggs in hand.

She carefully placed them all in the basket and took out torchlight from the cabinets.

She placed the eggs one by one on top of the light and placed them in two separate groups. One of which has twenty eggs and one only had three eggs.

All three were the ones with red stripes over them.


"These three are fertile and these are not."

Yue carefully picked up the tree. "We need to incubate them…"

If the eggs were in fact mutated then the chicks that hatch from it will have powers. The qials and the chicken did not have any powers at all.

At least he did not know what their powers were till now.

Blackie had her claws. She can only slash at people. Her mutation was just her size and increase in power.

"We don\'t have an incubator" his mum whispered.

"Then…. that\'s sad… it\'s missed opportunity." He gently placed the egg in the basket.

"We can do this," she picked up the tree eggs and walked over to Bakbak. "little Bakbak. Will you hatch them for me?" she placed the eggs by her foot.

Bakbak glanced at them.

"There are babies in there. You can hatch them and you will have even more babies,"

Bakbak pushed the eggs under her and wiggled her fluffy butt.

"See, problem solved." She patted her hand clean.

Yue gave her a thumbs up. "You\'re awesome, mum,"

"of course I am," she gently kissed his cheeks. "come on, lets go eat."

Breakfast was very simple. She made simple Miso soup rice and some pickled vegetables as sides. They had already run out of meat from their stock.. and they did not have the heart to hurt the birds. So..

As a family they became vegetarians… they ate eggs though.

Mum placed a small bowl of porridge and pickles.

Fan Xui looked at it, puzzled.

"Wait for it,"

His mum placed a hand on it. The bowl increased in size and it also multiplied into three.

She gently pushed it to them. "Go on eat."

"What about dad and others,"

"They are all sleeping. We had a very long night," she whispered.

"Sorry.. I\'ll inform you the next time if I\'m late,"

"It\'s okay," she gently caressed his face. "If you are safe that\'s all that matters,"

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