
Chapter 148: It’s Impossible to Eat and Not Get Fat

It was June 1st on Tuesday in the sixth week of school.

It happened to be Children\'s Day today. On the way to school, Wang Ling noticed a lot more brats on the streets due to the holiday.

When he arrived at class in the morning, Dopey Guo had already finished copying his homework and had started to put on a show as he pretended to stroke his beard and sigh that time and tide waited for no man. "...Ah, I\'m getting old, getting old! We can\'t even celebrate Children\'s Day! Do you know, according to the Cultivation United Nations\' latest age classifications, at our age... we have already entered the midlife crisis!"

When he heard this, Super Chen felt indescribably grieved. He actually thought he looked quite young and not at all old. Since he absorbed himself in fitness and sports every day, he had a sinewy body that boys were envious of.

Sexy muscles and lines would boost any man\'s appeal!

But even in spite of that, when he had taken the subway this morning, a four- or five-year-old cute little shota had actually called him uncle!

Un... cle...

At that moment, it was as if a thunderbolt had struck Super Chen\'s heart, and his whole body had been burned by it!

This feeling was as terrible as when your girlfriend grabbed your collar and asked you seriously who you would save first if she and your mother fell into the water at the same time! Uncle, as if! At the very damn least... he should have been called big brother!

But after Super Chen reacted, he then realized that this wasn\'t really a suitable analogy...

Because he didn\'t have a girlfriend at all!

And so, because of this...

The two-person team of Super Chen and Master of Dopey, who felt that they were already in their doddering old age, were gloomy the whole morning.

Speaking of Super Chen\'s muscles... Wang Ling secretly touched his belly.

Hm... it was soft and very stretchy.

Wang Ling analyzed the reason for his belly fat.

It was mainly because that limited edition beef ramen-flavored crispy noodle snack which the old man had brought back from South Tianhe had been too delicious! He hadn\'t been able to help eating a whole box of it in one night...

So this was the price for his lack of control!

But nowadays, there were a lot of young people who didn\'t understand the meaning of self-control; Wang Ling felt that he was a typical example.

Although he didn\'t need to eat, there were times when his mouth felt itchy.

A foodie\'s world wasn\'t something just anyone could understand!

However, Wang Ling didn\'t have to worry about putting on weight. He could just wait until he was at home to get rid of the extra fat on his body; this was the reason why he would never get fat.

Growing fat was something you had to consistently guard against, since sometimes it would happen when you weren\'t paying attention.

Wang Ling had always felt that there were two very similar kinds of people in school that could be referred to as "bitches."

The first kind were the top students who complained that they had screwed up after taking the exams.

And the second kind... were the thin people who boasted every day about how they would never get fat no matter how much they ate!


It was two o\'clock in the afternoon; it should have been time for the phys ed class, but as everyone was preparing to dash for the sports field and breathe in the fresh air, the phys ed teacher showed up at the classroom door. From the resentful and miserable look on his face, everyone immediately knew that today\'s phys ed class had very likely been replaced again!

Teacher Pan\'s chemistry class, Teacher Han Meimei\'s English class and Teacher Lu Ziming\'s maths class... nobody dared to occupy these class slots, so if the school had any celebratory activities, most of the time it would be the phys ed class that was taken over.

Therefore, in school, the person to run out of luck first was definitely the phys ed teacher!

Phys ed teacher Ye Han had blonde and naturally curly hair, and was a tall and strong person. Through his Mind-Reading Ability, Wang Ling had also learned that Teacher Ye had a special hobby, which was to sandwich a towel between his thighs and pull it back and forth repeatedly. The rumor was that this was the trademark technique of the legendary father of phys ed philosophy, Herrington 1 , and that it had the magical effect of strengthening the body and maintaining good blood circulation!

Teacher Ye usually kept a low profile at school, and never fought over class slots with the other teachers... any time there was a need to use the phys ed class slot, it was enough to just ask him! This was the so-called "honest men were always easily taken advantage of."

No. 60 High School had accepted Mo Immortal Castle\'s advertising, so Headmaster Chen had ordered all teachers-in-charge to play a lecture video in class to promote Mo Immortal Castle.

Given Teacher Pan\'s personality, she had of course been unwilling to use her own class time... so it had been Teacher Ye who had lucked out.

Standing on the dais, Teacher Ye helplessly put down the blue laptop he was carrying. Today, he had originally planned to give these kids a one-thousand-meter test; those who couldn\'t finish running it in ten seconds would fail!

There were only fifteen students in Class One, Grade Three, so it wouldn\'t have taken long at all to test all of them. However, Teacher Pan had still looked for him and requested that he play the educational lecture video provided by Mo Immortal Castle during the phys ed class.

"Students, you have to understand that I also can\'t do anything about this."

As Teacher Ye grumbled on the dais, the boys below the dais also complained — only Little Peanut was indifferent as he seized the opportunity to take out his homework and do it quickly.

This was the reason why Little Peanut didn\'t bring homework back with him each time; he would finish all of it in school!

Teacher Ye broadcasted the so-called educational video via the classroom projector. The students present in this elite class were already very familiar with the way this type of private education institution program worked — halfway through the program or in the last few minutes, the institution would definitely start to promote their secondary products.

And as expected, in the last section of the program, the female broadcast host on the platform suddenly said in a clear and bright voice, "Next, let us welcome Mo Immortal Castle\'s study leader with a round of applause as he recommends us a particular learning aid."

On the screen, a fatty wearing a five-striped symbol on his shoulder appeared. In terms of build, he was a little bigger than Master of Dopey. Although he had average looks, everyone recognized this fat fellow! — This was Tan Jiaming, the top scorer in the college entrance exam last year who had directly entered the key cultivation college 211 Cultivation College with a super high score of one hundred and ninety-seven thousand marks! People had given him the nickname Five Stripes Leader!

At the time, he was all that the news media had talked about, because he had directly received a government subsidy of three super spirit elixirs! A whole three super spirit elixirs was definitely the best type of reward. The rumor was that this great leader had only needed to take one to break through to the middle Golden Core stage...

Standing on the dais, the leader shared his so-called secret study method; a spirit light glowed in his hand, and then he was holding a bottle filled with liquid. He then flashed the camera lens a V sign. "This is it! Mo Immortal Water! It\'s my secret study method!"

Wang Ling immediately knew that this thing was definitely that mutation potion! As he raised his eyes to take a look, he was surprised to find that it was actually an improved version! It clearly used to be black in color, but now it had actually become so colorful!

The most frightening thing of all was that following the great leader\'s promotion, the female broadcast host on the dais then showed off a quality appraisal document jointly certified by four experts!

These were the legendary four experts and giants among men who oversaw products in the healthcare industry!

The Chameleon God of Medicine, Liu Hongbin...

The Divine Diabetes Physician, Li Zhiming...

The King of Rheumatism, Wang Zhijin...

The Drug Emperor of Kidney Deficiencies, Gao Zhenzhong...

Wang Ling: "..."

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