
Chapter 106: Ah, these ■■■■■■■ retards, actually ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ (4)

Chapter 106: Ah, these ■■■■■■■ retards, actually ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ (4)

Yu Jitae and Yeorum didn’t know because they weren’t interested, but the current candidates for the top positions weren’t in a good relationship.

Their conflict began ever since the seventh day when they started directly competing against each other in the ‘assignment performances’ and ‘individual spars’. Being young children with both strength and a good background, there was no reason for them to be nice with each other considering the clash in their interests.

Thus, they tended to slander each other when they met privately, like right now.

“Fucking piece of dog shit…”

“What did you say, you nigger?”

When Yong Danbi, a black girl, swore at the Chinese cadet, O Wong nonchalantly returned a racist comment. Yong Taeha from the Yong household held Yong Danbi back, while Zhang Xueyan stopped O Wong.

Right when the overheated atmosphere was about to cool back down, Yeorum opened her mouth.

“Huh? Why are you guys stopping?”

She attracted the glares of others.

“Dude, that guy was calling you a nigger.”


“You don’t have any self-esteem? If someone called me a malatang-hair, I would skin their face.”

Yong Danbi scowled as her anger rose back up, and turned her body back towards O Wong.

“Oi, oi. Danbi!”

Having a clean and handsome appearance, the greatest genius of all time of the Yong household, Yong Taeha, stopped Yong Danbi in a fluster.

“Yu Yeorum. Why are you chiming in for no reason?”

“I’m just saying. Hey, Chinese. She’s calling you dog shit though?”


O Wong with a sinister scar on his face suddenly unsheathed a dagger from his waist. “Calm down!” shouted Zhang Xueyan as she stopped him yet again.

“Yu Yeorum. I know what kind of person you are.”


“Don’t make other fight for no reason. Please. What do we gain by fighting in the first place?”

In response to Yong Taeha’s words, Yeorum shrugged her shoulders.

Kukukuk. That was when someone laughed from the side. It was Sophia Vorkova.

“Bullshit. Didn’t you say something the day before about a girl acting up to me?”

“Oi Sophia. When did I say that?”

“Eat shit. You fucker. That’s exactly how you sounded.”

Right before it was about to turn chaotic again, the producer from the PR team entered the room and informed them to be on standby for the interview. The cadets turned quiet again.

While the room was surrounded in tension, Yeorum looked at Ling Ling – at the small girl hidden behind tall and large cadets, Zhou Luxun, Zhang Xueyan and O Wong.


Her words in the midst of silence gathered their attention. Their eyes seemed to be saying, ‘What is she trying to do now?’.

“Isn’t there something you need to tell me?”


Unlike when she was holding onto the swords, Ling Ling’s eyes appeared powerless.

“Hello? Anything.”

“I don’t…”

“You don’t? You said something inside that large outburst of flames, didn’t you. ‘If you see me outside…’”

It was then. Zhang Xueyan from the Erfan Guild cut her words off and shot out of her seat.

“Yu Yeorum. That’s enough.”

“Who are you.”

“You’re very mean aren’t you? Our Ling Ling is a sick child. She’s mentally weak. The fight’s over and she received a punishment for her error. Do you still want to threaten her like that?”

Her voice was full of sorrow and sadness. The tide soon shifted and the cadets threw glances at Yeorum.

“Stop there, Yu Yeorum. You’re being disgraceful to us Koreans.”

“Yeah. I know you’re famous for your personality but you’re crossing the line.”

“What? I’m crossing the line?”

Yu Yeorum rose from her seat in a sudden outburst of anger.

“You want me to show you what crossing the line really means?”

When the situation was about to escalate once more, the PD entered at an opportune timing and signalled the start of the interview.


Yu Jitae went to the guardian’s seat of the interview room after sending Yeorum to the waiting room. As expected of the renowned guilds and households, the guardians were all relatively strong.

There were a few Yu Jitae recognised including Professor Ha Yoon, the teacher in charge of Cadet Zhou Luxun.

“Hello. I wasn’t expecting you to come here.”


“I was wondering what Cadet Yeorum’s rather unique training was about, but she got a lot stronger.”


The Regressor’s voice was as dry as a straw broom sweeping over asphalt. Seemingly discontent about something, Professor Ha Yoon threw a glance at Yu Jitae.

Before long, the cadets entered the interview room as the interview soon began with the Head Producer asking questions to the 10 cadets at random.

In general, the questions of the PR team were provocative and sensitive. It was to create the image of the cadets being in a fierce competition, which the audience tended to love. And to make their cadets more famous, the guardians agreed to a certain degree of provocation.

Four days ago, O Wong from the Erfan Guild and Yong Danbi of the Yong household had fought once with Yong Danbi coming out victorious. Thus, the PR team asked O Wong, “What type of person is Yong Danbi to you?”

“Cadet Yong Danbi?”

O Wong replied with a very amiable smile.

“She’s a very strong cadet.”

Since they had learned how to treat the media from their guilds and households, the cadets stealthily avoided the sensitive questions. It was difficult to think that they had been cursing at each other several minutes ago.

Yong Danbi likewise answered with a gentle smile.

“Cadet O Wong is very diligent. He has a lot of potential that could still be developed.”

Although it sounded like a compliment at a glance, it had a different meaning for the two of them. It became even more evident after the PD asked, “Anything you would like to say to each other?”

“O Wong looks very handsome and has the strength that suits his beautiful face. As expected of Erfan’s representative model.”

– O Wong is a retard who believes solely on his face.

“I heard that Cadet Yong Danbi is better at magic than Cadet Yong Taeha, although he is better at swordplay.”

– Lol, you’re mediocre at both sword and magic.

“I think there would have been a different road even if he didn’t work as a superhuman. This industry is dangerous after all.”

– Go entertain others or something. Where do you think this is, you trash.

“Cadet Yong Danbi is very nimble. I think she has the talent of getting into a secret task force.”

– You’re invisible at night.

They continued complimenting each other with connotative words but the PD felt regretful. He wished there to be more competitiveness but it was way too subtle right now.

Next up was Ling Ling, who the PD then handed the mic over to.

“Cadet Ling Ling. Nice to meet you.”

“Ah, yes…”

When hesitation appeared beneath her messy and unkempt hair, a flower bloomed on the PD’s face.

“Haha. Although you’re very charming in reality, there are a lot of fans who love your unpolished beauty whenever you are in a fight. It’s called gap moe, right? Gap moe. Are you aware of that?”

Ling Ling looked back at Zhang Xueyan with an anxious look who then replied in her stead.

“Ling Ling is a bit indifferent to others’ interest.”

“Is she? Then about the fight with Cadet Yeorum that happened yesterday…”

“Ah, I’m very sorry but Ling Ling is very fragile at heart. It would be great if you didn’t ask that question please. Sorry.”

The mic went over to Zhang Xueyan.

The interview room was filled with an awkward and uncomfortable aura. It was because cadets who were trying to kill each other with swords in hand were now made to force a smile at one another.

“Ah, these fucking retards…”

So when Yeorum whispered to herself, it felt like the interview room had been bombarded.

“…they’re actually fucking disgusting.”

Her somewhat loud mutter was heard by everyone present. The PD, who was about to open his mouth, dropped his chin in shock while Zhang Xueyan also turned back to Yeorum in surprise.

They all widened their eyes into circles and the PD quickly handed Yeorum the mic.

“Sorry, what was that just then? Cadet Yeorum?”

“It’s fine if you didn’t hear it. More importantly Mister Producer, please hurry up with the interview with me first so that I can go home. I can’t stay even a minute longer in a place this disgusting.”

Hearing her unstoppable and unhesitant outburst, the Audio Director and the cameraman immediately focused on Yeorum in fright. The PD felt like there was a firework going off in his head. This might be the true start of today’s interview.

“Ah, umm… in that case, let’s start with Cadet Yeorum’s interview first. How are you that strong?”

“I’m not that strong.”

It was a question meant to make her feel good but what came back was an unexpected response. The PD gave an awkward smile.

“That’s very modest of you. During yesterday’s spar with Miss Ling Ling, there was footage of you swearing in anger, but that was because you were too stimulated by the fight, right?”


“Ahh, right. And I assume you didn’t mean what you said when you were swearing?”

“I meant it. That fucking bitch started it first.”

It was time. Something big was about to explode.

“That vile bitch. She’s acting nice and all right now but inside the flame, that little thing swore at me saying she would rip me to pieces if we met outside. Who wouldn’t get mad after that? Wouldn’t you be mad as well, Mister Producer?”

Startled, the cameraman faced the camera at Ling Ling but she looked surprised and frustrated, as if she was being wrongly accused.

“I, I see. But Cadet Yeorum. Even though I understand you were irritated, swearing back isn’t the ideal reaction of a responsible superhuman, right?”

“What you fucker.”


“If you hear that, you wouldn’t be in a good mood either, right?”


It’s flaring up a bit too much though… thinking that, the PD sweated.

“I see. By any chance, is there a cadet you are close with?”


“Then, what about someone you are acquainted with?”

“Hmm, her?”

Then Sophia, who was pointed by Yeorum, spoke in response with a playful voice, “I don’t like her though?”

“I don’t like you either, bitch.”

After saying that, they seemed to have found it funny as both Yeorum and Sophia laughed out loud.

“In that case, is there a cadet in this place who you would consider a rival?”

Throwing a glance across the room, Yeorum spoke towards the camera with a serious look.

“None. They’re all weaker than me.”

Hearing that unconventional response, the camera swept past the cadets and filmed their ill-humoured expressions.

“During an interview that was carried out before the holiday, Cadet Zhou Luxun said that he would win against someone like Cadet Yu Yeorum. What do you say?”

While the smart-looking male cadet of Moonlight study group, Zhou Luxun sneered, Yeorum replied while picking her ears.

“To be honest, I would have won back then as well.”

“Then what about now?”

“Who knows? Should we try it right now?”

The PD flickered his eyes. A comment like this was very good.

“Let me twist his head.”

No, wait. It was over the top.

She was the personification of audacity. Her words that appeared to have no restriction caused the cadets to whisper among themselves while the guardians also turned rowdy in their seats.

“She’s saying whatever she wants to…”

“Tch. Who does she think she is…?”

Yu Jitae ignored their words and their gazes. He wasn’t interested in stopping Yeorum, nor was he planning to change others’ perception of the situation. In fact, he found the situation to be slightly interesting.

But Professor Ha Yoon seemed to think otherwise.

“Mister Yu Jitae.”


“Cadet Yeorum. I think she’s very ill-mannered.”

“I agree.”

Taken aback, Ha Yoon glared at him.

“Shouldn’t you stop her as the guardian? When the cadet is straying off the road on her own?”


“Can I say something as a professor? I understand that you prefer leaving her alone but if you leave her like that, the cadet will later resent their guardian.”

Yu Jitae asked back in a sluggish voice.

“If the guardian stops them, does the cadet follow the guardian?”

“Sorry? Well… instead of saying that they’ll follow the guardian, we could say that they’ll start going on the correct path.”

“What is the correct path.”

“Becoming strong enough to protect others and being loved as a superhuman. Isn’t that the objective of the cadets of Lair?”

He turned his head back to the cadets without saying anything in response. Thinking that her word had gone through, Professor Ha Yoon added.

“If the pedagogy of education is wrong, they have to go back to the start again. Cadet Yeorum’s attitude is wrong. As the guardian, you need to hold her…”

Yu Jitae’s gaze returned to her and he silently looked into Ha Yoon in her eyes in silence. He remained still for a long time.

Until he turned his head back to the front, Professor Ha Yoon couldn’t even breathe. She couldn’t get used to it no matter how many times she saw it – those eyes resembled a demon or a murderer’s…

“Then, it’s time for the last question. I can see that Cadet Yeorum is always full of confidence, but is there a reason behind that?”

“My guardian.”

“Your guardian? Is your faith in your guardian that strong?”

“No? It’s because my guardian is the strongest.”


The cameraman shifted the focus to Yu Jitae, who looked back to the camera with an indifferent expression. Being a professional, the PD shared a joke with an awkward smile.

“Ahh I see. Is it like a fox carrying a tiger on the back? Like an ass in a lion’s skin?”

“Hmm. That sounds about right.”

She rather obediently nodded her head.

“And this here is a rabbit kingdom.”

The PD pressed on his temples. He had no idea where to edit from and how much he had to edit.

At this point, other guardians were giving empty coughs to openly reveal their discomfort. Other cadets were also dumbfounded and flustered.

That was when Yeorum turned her head and glanced across the guardian seat.

“Why the heck are you coughing? Say something if you want to. Or do you unnis and oppas want to fight right now with my guardian?”

She then mischievously smiled.

“Your heads will be twisted though ?”

That was the end of her interview.


Even after several internal discussions, there was no-one inside the PR team who retorted on the fact that the interview would entice attention from the public. Thus, the [Interview of 10 Top Rank Candidates] was uploaded in full with only her swear words being censored.

On the next day, Yeorum’s fancafe, ‘Crazy for Yeorum’ was in a mess.

– Lolllllllll our Captain is crazy ?

– Fuck kekekek. Feels good to have her back!

– Yeorum. Please twist my headd as well T.T

– I can’t hear what she’s saying with all the swear words filtered out.. Q.Q

?You can put the subtitles on now! I added them on!

?Thanks, but I don’t think I need them T.T

– Woah… the guardian though, he looks really fucking scary;;

?For real;;; I would piss myself if I see him around the corner…

The shocking interview spread across the globe and Yeorum became a hot topic for unending discussions in several communities. Both inside and outside Lair, there was an increase of people that liked her for having a straightforward attitude, but there were also people that hated her for being undisciplined.

However, the person in question did not care about them.

“How was it? Was the interview okay?”

“Of course.”

Yeorum was satisfied with one sentence from Yu Jitae.

As long as he was okay, nothing else mattered.

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