
Chapter 251: The Grand Finale

Chapter 251: The Grand Finale

(Unova Syndicate- Planet Xerciam Prime)

(Rexanera Sea)

There was a story in Sui Meng’s memories about the frog and the scorpion. The old fable said that there was once a scorpion who wished to cross a river but couldn’t swim.

A friendly frog saw that the scorpion needed help and offered to take the creature across the river by placing the scorpion on his back.

The scorpion agreed and climbed slowly onto the back of the frog. 

The frog felt the weight of the scorpion on his back and started to hesitate as a terrible thought suddenly occurred to him.

The frog could not help but feel a bit paranoid that the scorpion would decide to sting him while resting on his back. 

The scorpion reassured the frog that he would never hurt him because he would also perish if the frog were to die midway through the journey.

This statement by the scorpion convinced the frog and he happily paddled across the river only to feel a painful sting once he arrived at the midway point.

As the frog felt the deadly venom coursing through his veins and his limbs begin to stiffen up, he could not help but turn his head around and stare at the scorpion. 

The frog feeling betrayed and confused decided to ask the scorpion one simple question…


And the scorpion replied, “It’s in my nature.”

Sophie’s eyes glowed a crimson colour as the story flashed across her mind. 

It seemed that no matter how much she tried to suppress….

No matter how much she tried to change.

No matter how much she tried to deny.

This monstrous urge continued to return again… and again…. and again, to overwhelm her senses and fragile sanity.

The urge to hunt.

“N’reref ‘e bre’stek tye’w!” one of the invaders shrieked and immediately ten plasma rifles pointed right at Sophie’s body.

Sophie’s figure suddenly blurred and reappeared in the hallway connected to the room. It was too dangerous to fight inside since a stray shot could accidently hit Lily.


Three identical copies of a seven-foot-tall humanoid creature with razor sharp fangs and four bladed appendages ran in different directions.

“Kree’ee kr’ee kre’wd!” an invader shrieked, and the group split up to hunt down this dangerous enemy.

For the plan to succeed, there could be no survivors on the ship once the Libra financial group arrived in response to the distress signal sent out by the captain.

Bang! Bang!

Sophie’s body moved unconsciously, and several plasma shots narrowly missed her body by only a few centimeters.

There were four alien invaders hunting her down while the rest had split up to chase down her two clones.

Their crab-like legs skittled across the floor and their hunched posture and twisted limbs made them appear to be monsters straight out of a horror film.

This was the feeling.

The thrill of the hunt.

To dance on the edge of life and death.

Sophie’s spider appendages shot out and she pierced the sides of the walls to move her body into the air.

There was only one instinct to obey… one command…

To hunt.

Sophie turned around and suddenly leapt towards the four pursuers with her mouth wide open. 

This unexpected move caught the invaders off guard, and they were a fraction of a second too late to adjust the aim of their plasma rifles.

It was enough time for Sophie to close the distance. 

There was no use of fancy cultivation techniques nor any special moves.

Sophie only used primal violence and savagery.

The first invader barely had enough time to scream before Sophie’s fangs sank deep into his neck and injected a venom.

This potent venom caused his flesh to dissolve and melt into a bloody puddle.

He died screaming in agony.


Sophie’s bladed appendages shot straight through the multiple hearts inside the second and third members of the squad.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The last member in a desperate attempt to save his life, shot three plasma shots at Sophie’s body while his knees shivered in fear.

Sophie did not even pay attention to the shots and just moved the corpse of the alien hanging from her teeth in front of her body.

The plasma shots sank into the corpse of the alien and soon blue blood splashed across the hallway floor.

“M’recy pr’eases h’red’,” the alien dropped his gun in horror and began to plead for his life. 

It was just a shame that Sophie did not understand the language he was speaking.

And her mind was already too far gone.

What greeted the begging alien was a hand that grabbed his neck tightly before snapping it with a fearsome crack.

The familiar craving to sink her fangs into the flesh of the four corpses flowed through Sophie’s mind but the urge to hunt down the other alien invaders was even stronger.

There were still plenty of prey left to hunt.

Sophie took another look at the corpses on the ground and couldn’t resist taking a quick mouthful before heading off.


It appeared that the other squads had not managed to kill her mirror images yet as Sophie could still feel her vague connection to them.

She quickly sent a mental message to her copies to double back and return to the hallway. 

Sophie extended her bladed appendages outwards and crawled onto the ceiling.

Her every move was identical to an ambush predator getting into the perfect spot to catch an unsuspecting prey.

Sophie moved her body until she reached right above one of the entrances to the hallway and patiently waited.

The crimson colour staining her eyes had only gotten worse and now no trace of the original golden hue could be seen.

Drip! Drip!

Thin droplets of blood fell down from Sophie’s mouth as she munched happily on the flesh of the aliens she had just killed.

“N’iii crre’sasd’d fer’efd!” a frustrated roar came from below Sophie’s location.

A mirror image of Sophie ran into the room followed by a squad of three members. 

They were angrily shooting plasma shots at the image, but Sophie’s copy ducked and weaved without letting a single shot hit her.

Not even a few minutes had passed before on the other side of the hallway another angry shout could be heard and an identical copy of Sophie entered.

The two copies glanced at each other and then ran towards the location where Sophie was waiting patiently.

It was time for the grand finale.

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